Written by Harry Maurer

Continued from page 1

The cost of an entertainer varies according torepparttar quality, experience and notoriety ofrepparttar 103032 performer. As a rule,repparttar 103033 best performers will be more expensive -- as it should be. Don't makerepparttar 103034 mistake of hiring two inexpensive acts of lesser quality instead of one expensive act. Two adequate acts will never compare to one great act, andrepparttar 103035 money you spent two acts of lesser quality will have been wasted. This is simply an issue of quality, not quantity.

If for some reasonrepparttar 103036 act is beyond your budget, be truthful and open torepparttar 103037 act or agent and let them know what your budget is. They might be able to make concessions or suggest ways of saving you money -- perhaps presenting only a 20 minute show instead of a 30 minute show, or perhaps presenting an alternative act instead ofrepparttar 103038 one they had originally planned. Other than small concessions though, don't expect them to reduce their price considerably. They know what they are worth and to maintain their reputation inrepparttar 103039 industry, they must maintain a consistent market price. To charge your group less than they charged their last group is simply bad business.

Oncerepparttar 103040 act is contracted, make surerepparttar 103041 entertainer or agent provides you with a list of PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS -- things thatrepparttar 103042 act needs to makerepparttar 103043 show run smoothly. This may include things like a dressing area,repparttar 103044 size ofrepparttar 103045 stage or dance floor they will require to presentrepparttar 103046 act properly, microphone or sound requirements,repparttar 103047 time they will need in advance to set uprepparttar 103048 show, etc. Having this list of requirements in advance will save you from last minute surprises like "not knowing thatrepparttar 103049 act required a cassette tape player", or that "the audience should not have been seated atrepparttar 103050 sides ofrepparttar 103051 performer". This list tells you what is needed to makerepparttar 103052 act run smoothly. If you cannot meet one or more of these requirements, letrepparttar 103053 act or agent know as soon as possible so they can adjustrepparttar 103054 show accordingly.

Oncerepparttar 103055 show requirements are provided for, you can be assured thatrepparttar 103056 show will run smoothly, and you can relax knowing that you haverepparttar 103057 best professional entertainer inrepparttar 103058 right environment which will make your event an event to remember!



Things you need to know in advance before contacting an entertainer or agency:

___ 1. The location ofrepparttar 103059 event ___ 2. The number of people you expect to attendrepparttar 103060 event. ___ 3. What performance area will be available atrepparttar 103061 location? (dance floor, stage, etc.) ___ 4. Doesrepparttar 103062 location provide a sound system and or lighting? ___ 5. Do you plan to have other entertainment atrepparttar 103063 event? ___ 6. What time would you likerepparttar 103064 performance to start? ___ 7. Are you planning to have award presentations or speeches?

Things to find out when speaking with a prospective entertainer or agency:

___ 1. How many years hasrepparttar 103065 agency or entertainer been in business? ___ 2. What kind of experience doesrepparttar 103066 entertainer have? ___ 3. What professional credentials or awards hasrepparttar 103067 entertainer won? ___ 4. Isrepparttar 103068 entertainer available for your engagement? ___ 5. Ask to receive for your review: ___ A. A complete promotional packet ofrepparttar 103069 entertainer ___ B. A promotional videotape ___ C. Testimonials from previous clients

When reviewing an entertainer on tape, consider:

1. How polished and professional isrepparttar 103070 performer? 2. How doesrepparttar 103071 act look (considerrepparttar 103072 dress ofrepparttar 103073 performer, andrepparttar 103074 props he or she is using) 3. Doesrepparttar 103075 audience onrepparttar 103076 tape sound like they are being entertained? 3. If you were in that audience seeing that show, would you be entertained? 4. Doesrepparttar 103077 entertainer's style compliment your company or company's ideals? 5. Isrepparttar 103078 tape complete enough to give you an idea ofrepparttar 103079 act? (You don't want to see short "snippets" ofrepparttar 103080 act)

Things to do oncerepparttar 103081 entertainer has been selected:

___ 1. Sendrepparttar 103082 performer directions torepparttar 103083 event along with any program or event information along withrepparttar 103084 returned contract.

___ 2. Ask to receive a copy of any "Performance Requirements" and pass a copy of them along torepparttar 103085 people handlingrepparttar 103086 technical aspects ofrepparttar 103087 show (lighting and sound people, hotel AV department, etc.)

___ 3. A final call a week or two beforerepparttar 103088 event to go over last minute details is always helpful and appreciated -- especially when last minute changes have been made (likerepparttar 103089 addition of an "awards presentation", a "speech byrepparttar 103090 company President" etc.)


Harry Maurer is a professional entertainer who performs regularly inrepparttar 103091 showrooms of Las Vegas and Atlantic City. With over 20 years of experience, he provides comedy magical entertainment tailored torepparttar 103092 needs of his corporate clientele. He resides in Houston and can be reached toll free at (877) 223-6291 or onrepparttar 103093 world-wide web at:

If you are looking for great entertainment, please take a moment to visit The Comedy & Magic of Harry Maurer web site at:

The site describesrepparttar 103094 types of shows he presents, lists his professional credentials, provides a list of past clients, press reviews, testimonials from satisfied clients and displays his "online performance Calendar" so that you can instantly determine his availability -- everything you need conveniently located to let you know that he is your best entertainment choice.

Located onrepparttar 103095 site are also a variety of "online forms" where both entertainment agents or individuals can request promotional material or a quote for a particular event with no obligation!

If you have any additional questions or comments about this report or about The Comedy & Magic of Harry Maurer, we invite you to contact us by e-mail at: -- we'd love to hear from you!


Award winning Comedian Magician Harry Maurer is an entertainer of US Presidents, Celebrities and International Royalty and he would like to do the same for you!

Finding A Party Hostess

Written by TBA ~ Tricia, Billie & Ashley

Continued from page 1

Offer things Like:

  • 10% off hostess order if your hostess gets X amount in sales
  • X amount GC for an X amount in sales
  • Show them they will get something for being a hostess,repparttar harder they work forrepparttar 103031 salesrepparttar 103032 more they will get.

    Need More Information about Online Parties & Finding a Hostess? Check out Online Party Guide

    Written by TBA. TBA stands for Tricia, Billie and Ashley - a work at home mom, daughter and granddaughter team. Find more online party information at Online Party Guide

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