Written by Jim Finucan

Continued from page 1

Part Three: The Dun - Once your questioning has given yourepparttar information you need you can showrepparttar 112809 debtor a way in which he or she can payrepparttar 112810 debt. You know, for instance, that he can afford to put it on his MasterCard, or that she could qualify for a bank loan. Now you’re in position to make your demand for payment (the dun).

Part Four: The Close - Whether or notrepparttar 112811 debtor has agreed to pay there is also a specific way you should endrepparttar 112812 call. And I don’t mean, “Gee, thanks, have a nice day!” or “You’ve got your nerve!” Use an open-ended question designed to putrepparttar 112813 debtor onrepparttar 112814 spot; something like “Do I have your word on that?” If he has refused to pay or continues to dodge and delay remind him of how seriousrepparttar 112815 situation is; make it clear thatrepparttar 112816 problem must still be resolved. Be professional; don’t insult him. Save any threats of legal action until you’ve contactedrepparttar 112817 debtor several times without success and see no other option. Never threaten legal action unless you fully intend to follow through, otherwise you can be accused of harassment.

Collection calls are a necessity in bill collecting. Makingrepparttar 112818 effort to learn and use as many techniques as you can will bring results and increase t he bank balance of your business.

Jim Finucan has more than 12 years as a “top gun” in the collections business. Visit for more information on bill collecting and his debt collections manual - Past Due!

ASSET PROTECTION - Can You Bank On Your Haven?

Written by Nicholas Pullen and Henry Morgan

Continued from page 1

A haven's confidence in its liquidity can be judged, at least to some degree, by its willingness to put in place solid depositor protection. Enquire of financial institutions inrepparttar haven whether or not depositor protection exists.

7. Is The Haven Free Of Trouble? Will It Stay That Way? Doesrepparttar 112808 haven have a trouble-free history and a secure culture? A country which has experienced only moderate political, economic and social change, and where political and social violence is uncommon, is a trouble-free country. A stable past is a good predictor of a stable future.

Onrepparttar 112809 other hand, countries with a history of civil war, military coups and civil unrest are definitely not right for banking purposes. Cash held in a banana republic is high- risk. Future flash points in volatile regions can render your cash lost or worthless.

Look atrepparttar 112810 human rights record ofrepparttar 112811 haven's government. A government with high regard for its domestic population is likely to regard you equally highly. A government which treats citizens like cattle to be reared, milked and slaughtered is likely to come to view you inrepparttar 112812 same casual manner. In such a climate private wealth may suddenly become government property.

Check if there's a strong socialist political faction inrepparttar 112813 haven. Overtly socialist governments can't be trusted to look after your nest-egg. Political upheaval, new ideologies and attendant legislation can change a haven's attractiveness overnight. Ensure there's little likelihood of an ultra left-wing political party sliding into power inrepparttar 112814 foreseeable future.

Isrepparttar 112815 haven free from racial tensions and other social problems? These can trigger crisis which may affect deposited funds.

What aboutrepparttar 112816 prospect of foreign invasions and war? These are slight for an isolated country. But keep an eye onrepparttar 112817 treatment your haven receives inrepparttar 112818 international press. Areas and regions seldom become hot spots overnight. Look at recent political developments and events inrepparttar 112819 haven to establish if there is any potential trouble.

"A stable past is a good predictor of a stable future."

Consider local attitudes. Is there wide local support forrepparttar 112820 financial services and banking industries? Doesrepparttar 112821 local population appreciate that international banking operations are effectively supportingrepparttar 112822 country's economy? Or doesrepparttar 112823 presence of foreign capital breed resentment? Is there a foreign-bashing agenda?

Be sure to keep abreast of events andrepparttar 112824 socio-political climate in your haven. Subscribe to newsletters covering such developments. Readrepparttar 112825 local press. The writing is often, literally, on local walls inrepparttar 112826 form of graffiti, for months before anything actually happens which might affect your bank accounts.

8. Does Your Haven Provide A Back Door For Your Government? Make sure your banking haven doesn't provide your government with a back door into your accounts. For example, some traditional tax havens are existing or former British colonies, such as Bermuda, Cayman Islands,repparttar 112827 Channel Islands, andrepparttar 112828 UK government is exerting pressure on authorities there to release information relating to UK account holders.

British citizens should find out if their prospective banking haven has tax treaties in place withrepparttar 112829 UK. If so, be aware thatrepparttar 112830 treaty allows forrepparttar 112831 free sharing of information betweenrepparttar 112832 authorities inrepparttar 112833 two countries.

9. Does It Offer Enough Freedom For Capital? Are you free to take money in and out ofrepparttar 112834 haven? If there are severe restrictions,repparttar 112835 haven is no use to you. Even if there are no exchange controls in operation now, check thatrepparttar 112836 haven doesn't have a history of exchange controls. You don't want your cash trapped in a country which is effectively stemming flight capital.

Make sure you have adequate guarantees that you'll be able to do what you need to before opening accounts inrepparttar 112837 haven. For example, are there restrictions on converting foreign currency into local currency and visa versa? Are reports filed on each occasion? Ask financial institutions inrepparttar 112838 haven.

10. Does The Haven Offer Sufficient Privacy? Seek out banking havens which recognise and actively promote solid banking privacy. Many havens claim to do so only on an informal basis. Under pressure bank managers and financial advisors may sacrifice you torepparttar 112839 sharks. Does your haven, and/orrepparttar 112840 institutions operating there, have a history of rolling over when exposed to external pressures?

Check whether banking privacy is tradition or actual binding legislation. Check whether a professional in a particular haven is breakingrepparttar 112841 law if he passes data relating to you and your financial affairs to a third party. Be aware that "confidentiality" laws allow local government access to your account details (although they can't passrepparttar 112842 data on to a third party).

Solid banking privacy legislation isrepparttar 112843 best protection for your cash. A strong, secure haven will have banking privacy legislation which carries stiff penalties (financial and custodial) for any professional who breaches them and passes data on to third parties.

Beginning Your Research A very good place onrepparttar 112844 Internet to begin your investigations of suitable tax havens is axhavens axhavens.htm. The Offshore Journal is a useful e-publication which frequently reports on relevant events and changes in banking havens aroundrepparttar 112845 world. Subscriptions cost £15 per year. Subscribe at

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