Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

Why not start WRITING ARTICLES forrepparttar www and see what happens...transpires (nice word, eh?).You DON'T have to be a "professional" writer to write articles. You know more aboutrepparttar 121246 subject matter (based on your past knowledge and experiences) and especially YOUR business. It doesn't matter whether you have never written anything before, just make a beginning.

"Be bold and unseen forces come to your aid." (that is one of my favourite quotations - story of my life!).

Progress in life is accomplished by doingrepparttar 121247 basics right -repparttar 121248 "little chores day by day". Success is never instantaneous - in any field of endeavour. For a while it may appear as if you are not making a noticable difference through your substantial efforts (in time and dedication put in ). However, just keep "chipping away" at your online marketing long enough and I can assure you, you WILL get noticed with web traffic...even though it may take awhile. The key to internet marketing success is PERSISTENCE - takingrepparttar 121249 small steps daily and making them HABITS. writing articles! This whole business of internet marketing has been one long learning curve for us overrepparttar 121250 past five years - seeing what works and what doesn't... likerepparttar 121251 lessons of life itself.


Just make a beginning. Take that first step and you'll find that one step naturally leads torepparttar 121252 next. Asrepparttar 121253 ancient Chinese proverb so wisely said: "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a broken fanbelt and a leaky tyre... er sorry, a single step".

Good luck with those first few steps in writing articles forrepparttar 121254 www (without a broken and leaky pen) and ENJOYrepparttar 121255 journey.

Craig Lock has been marketing various products online for the past five years. Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life - whatever they may be. The various books* Craig "felt inspired" to write are available at: and

Five Ways to Promote Your Unique Business Identity

Written by Brett Krkosska

Continued from page 1

Free eBooks, free email, free websites, free pens, free t- shirts, free baseball caps... all these are great examples of things people use and expose to others. Take a good look at your own products and services. What can you give away?

2. Encourage Interactivity

We are social creatures. Everyone likes to be included -to haverepparttar opportunity to put in their 2 cents worth. Encourage people to get involved with your business. Invite questions, ask for feedback, run a contest, sponsor teleclasses or chat sessions, or moderate a discussion board. For every person you make a connection with, you have createdrepparttar 121245 opportunity to ignite a word-of-mouth campaign that stretches through everyone they know.

Take a peek at for a look at brand marketing through interactivity. On their home page they are actively recruiting every carbonated beverage drinker onrepparttar 121246 planet to "make a difference" and become a Pepsi Advisor.

Strawberry/Kiwi Pepsi. What do you think? Pssst... tell your friends!

3. Brand Your Digital and Print Communications

If you type it, write it, or touch it... brand it. If you're within breathing distance of it - try to brand it. Leave evidence of your unique business identity everywhere you can. Your website, all your outgoing postal mail, and all electronic mail should include your business name or logo, your tagline, email address, website URL, phone number, and mailing address. And a handy supply of business cards is a must any time you leaverepparttar 121247 office.

4. Give Away Your Knowledge

Writing articles and making them available for reprint is an especially powerful method of spreading your name. Published articles often remain inrepparttar 121248 public eye for years. I have dozens of articles on numerous sites, all of them tirelessly promoting my business without any effort on my part. One article in particular that was published in Success Digest over 3 years ago still brings in traffic to this day.

5. Make it Easy For Others To Toot Your Horn

Word-of-mouth referrals arerepparttar 121249 best kind of exposure you can get. There's nothing more powerful than a personal endorsement from a satisfied customer. Make it easy for people to tell their friends and family about your product or service. Rarely a day goes by on my site that someone hasn't emailed a friend using my handy online referral form. This is a branding tool that every business should employ.

Inrepparttar 121250 end,repparttar 121251 name ofrepparttar 121252 game is repeatedly exposing consumers to your unique business identity - your brand. The above strategies are viral marketing tools in that they are far-reaching and long-lasting, and that's a great combination for long term business success.

Brett Krkosska is a freelance writer and syndicated columnist. He is the owner and founder of, an idea center for small/home-based business owners. Free subscription to his ezine, Straight Talk, available at:

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