Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1
getrepparttar better of them", why don't more web marketers rather spend their valuable energies in activities, which they CAN CONTROL to some extent. Once you have posted torepparttar 118983 major search engines, monitor your positioning from time to time (say once a month) then LET BE. You'll never beat them, because their policies change allrepparttar 118984 time. Start concentrating on MARKETING and carving out a UNIQUE NICHE for yourself onrepparttar 118985 WWW with your particular products. Be UNIQUE and "brand" yourself as an expert in your field with your own individual "style and niche". We mainly do that by writing articles and submitting them to article announcement lists, like Article Announce, Free Content, Publish in Yours, Publisher Network and Article Publish. Articles with your website in your signature file bring traffic, which then lead to SALES...and best of all it's free advertising and helping others atrepparttar 118986 same time by sharing your knowledge and experiences in your field of expertise. It's been a long learning curve for us at Eagle Products (NZ) seeing what works and what doesn't in getting listed withrepparttar 118987 major search engines ...likerepparttar 118988 lessons of life itself.

Hope this info may help you readers "out there in cyberspace".

Go for it and good luck.

Craig Lock

Aboutrepparttar 118989 author:

Craig Lock has been successfully marketing products online forrepparttar 118990 past five years. Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life - whatever they may be.

For interactive computer and internet coaching on CD, click on:


If you have knowledge, let others light their candle at it" - Margaret Fuller

Craig Lock has been successfully marketing products online for the past five years. Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life - whatever they may be.

For interactive computer and internet coaching on CD, click on:

The Biggest Mistake Most Webmasters Make.

Written by John W David

Continued from page 1

Same old same old and no appreciable results is not a viable answer.   As an example, when we go online each and every day, we begin with our stats for all our sites and those under our care and analyzerepparttar heck out of them.   Then, we ask ourselves one overriding question for each site: what can we offer today to at least one million new people to generate a bare minimum of 10 new sales beforerepparttar 118982 end ofrepparttar 118983 day for each of our websites? 

Now, we didn't get there overnight. 

However, we did know this, doingrepparttar 118984 same thing for too long and generating non-existent or insufficient income was not going to pay our bills.

Unfortunately, that's where most people stick or quit. And, there's no need. You can do it .  Keeping this article short. * Look closely at what you're doing and how long you've been doing it relative to your results. 

If it's low-yield / no-yield, stop doing it. It will not get any better. 

* Ask yourself, each and every day, How many new people can I reach today? 

Exactly as in real life, a massive number of people have to be aware of your business for you to generate sufficient foot traffic through your store to make enough sales at least to earn a decent living. 

So too, must you be able to reach enough people online daily to generate enough foot traffic through your site.   How many new people you need to reach will be answered by whatever factor between what you have achieved to date and where you need to be to achieverepparttar 118985 results you want. It's totally doable whateverrepparttar 118986 factor. 

Once you learn to ask and answer that question honestly and with purpose each and every day as a daily habit, you will begin to seerepparttar 118987 bigger picture... how to make a very good living online.

All Success is a Shared Activity  John W David

P/S, while this is a front-ending web sales strategy, it paysrepparttar 118988 bills. For most webmasters, this is an essential first step. Back-ending, up-sells, peripherals as separate strategies can come later.   It's easier to have a longer term strategy when you're not immersed in daily tactics of trying to produce immediate results... as in trying to pay your bills. 

Most webmasters are stuck inrepparttar 118989 daily tactical effort of trying to get from 'start' to that significant 'first step' inrepparttar 118990 right direction and ultimate profitability and a whole new lifestyle.  

John W David Author of "InfoTrainers" Free Internet Marketing Tutorials

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