Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Continued from page 1

METHANE As our friend, this natural gas is as useful as carbon dioxide. But it has turned into an enemy because we have produced twice as much as we need, andrepparttar excess is making it impossible forrepparttar 110136 atmosphere to disintegrate other dangerous gases.

CFCs As our friend, when chlorofluorocarbons are inrepparttar 110137 lower atmosphere, they are efficient heat absorbers. But when they rise up, they become our enemies because they go to destroyrepparttar 110138 earth’s protective umbrella,repparttar 110139 ozone.

NITROUS OXIDE As our friend, this laughing gas like CFCs absorbs heat when it is inrepparttar 110140 lower atmosphere. But when it goes up, it destroysrepparttar 110141 ozone.

OZONE This gas is our friend when it is inrepparttar 110142 high atmosphere where it filters deadly ultraviolet radiation,repparttar 110143 cause of skin cancer. But when it comes down, it becomes our enemy.

Since these greenhouse gases are being added intorepparttar 110144 atmosphere daily fromrepparttar 110145 use of fossil fuel, how canrepparttar 110146 danger of mass poisoning be avoided?

Well, Homo Sapienrepparttar 110147 smart has already dreamed up solutions:

Man will harness solar power to replace conventional ones.

Man will invent clean burning hydrogen fuel in place of repparttar 110148 hazardous petroleum products.

Man will make a gigantic parasol to shieldrepparttar 110149 earth from repparttar 110150 sun’s dangerous rays.

Man will reforestaterepparttar 110151 globe to suck up excess carbon dioxide.

Man will fire up giant laser rays to kill CFCs before they damagerepparttar 110152 ozone.

Man will use solar power satellites to collect solar energy from space, and send it down as microwaves, or laser beams, for use in place of burning fossil fuels.

Man will …. That’s enough. Thank you manrepparttar 110153 wise. Clap for yourself!

Let’s hope that you will fixrepparttar 110154 greenhouse gases before they cover your grave!

Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved

Aboutrepparttar 110155 Author:

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer inrepparttar 110156 World, isrepparttar 110157 author ofrepparttar 110158 best - selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at : For FREE writing helps, mailto :

ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best - selling book, HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER.

Conserving for whom?

Written by Harv Teitelbaum

Continued from page 1

There’s a bigger lesson here, though. Continuing development during droughts demonstrates that conservation on one level may only serve to encourage waste andrepparttar exploitive use of resources on another level. Consider that when we recycle, instead of reducingrepparttar 110135 need for landfills, we might just be opening up more acreage for Wal-Marts and subdivisions. When we push for more public transportation, instead of alleviating congestion, we might just be creating more available volume capacity for land speculators.

The problem may be that we see conservation only as a personal choice or fashion. But to be truly effective, we might have to apply it throughout all levels of society, not as fashionable behavior, but as internalized ethic. We might need to think beyond personal recycling and every-third-day-watering to such notions as conservation of land use, conservation of quality of life, conservation of surface and ground water, and conservation of climate. We might need to value restraint in physical expansion, restraint in personal transportation, restraint in gratification, and restraint in resource consumption.

Do we dare consider freezingrepparttar 110136 addition of new water taps and making future taps conditioned on sustainable supplies? What a bold notion: to use conservation not to putrepparttar 110137 squeeze on individuals to cough up resources for industry, but to make our lives easier.

It’s always difficult to draw a line at a particular point, but that doesn’t mean a line shouldn’t be drawn at some point. After all,repparttar 110138 west’s land and resources are not unlimited. If we use them up, then what? Have we reachedrepparttar 110139 point where we consider drawing that line? While there are still some things left to conserve?

Harv Teitelbaum writes about the environment, politics, social issues and ethics, from a systems perspective. Visit his website at

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