Continued from page 1

The Gradient Editor dialog, which can be extracted when you clickrepparttar gradient itself, is used to modify gradient. Dragrepparttar 107368 top Opacity Stop if you want to lengthenrepparttar 107369 opaque portion ofrepparttar 107370 gradient. To decrease opacity, just dragrepparttar 107371 white Opacity Stop. There is a small diamond that appears betweenrepparttar 107372 stop markers calledrepparttar 107373 Gradient Midpoint. This midpoint can be used to adjust smoothness ofrepparttar 107374 gradient by simply dragging itrepparttar 107375 left or torepparttar 107376 right. If you drag it torepparttar 107377 leftrepparttar 107378 smoothness ofrepparttar 107379 gradient is increased and when you drag it torepparttar 107380 rightrepparttar 107381 smoothness decreases.

To edit multiple layers, group them first by selecting them and then type Command-G or Control-G. If you want to ungroup multiple layers, just type Shift-Command-G or Shift-Control-G. If you want to modify you’re your work, userepparttar 107382 Gradient Editor. Double clickrepparttar 107383 gradient layer and choose new gradient style.

You can make your own gradient and add it torepparttar 107384 pre-defined gradients by saving it and settingrepparttar 107385 style scale and angle of your gradient.

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Guide to Buying a Digital Camera

Written by Maui Reyes

Continued from page 1
•Budget. We’re not going to lie: digital cameras don’t exactly come cheap. When budgeting on which camera to take home, considerrepparttar features, its size, its Mega Pixel count, andrepparttar 107367 brand. Most photographers swear by one brand overrepparttar 107368 other—if you’re particularly loyal to just one brand, then you can shunrepparttar 107369 others and bask in just one aisle. But if you’re a little bit more open-minded, then you’ve got a bigger playground to frolic in. You’ll also need to see what kind of memory card (which is sort of likerepparttar 107370 “film” ofrepparttar 107371 camera)repparttar 107372 camera needs, and what kind of batteries fuel it. Most digital cameras use AA batteries, so investing in a bunch of rechargeable ones is key.

•Try it out. Most people makerepparttar 107373 mistake of readingrepparttar 107374 box, swiping their credit card, and coming home to find out that they’re not comfortable with their latest purchase. While inrepparttar 107375 store, try taking a bunch of photos. Make sure it fits well in your hand, and it’s easy to use. The most user-friendly cameras out there are Canon, Casio, and Kodak—but you might want to try out others. Take your time in familiarizing yourself withrepparttar 107376 possible units you’ll be taking pictures with.

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