Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

Students can still find a good deal at Harbor Point. This unique waterfront property is located in downtown Boston adjacent torepparttar University of Massachusetts. And NO FEES! One bedrooms begin at $1,065 and two bedrooms at $1,295 (rates as of 4/29/00) Call their rental office for availability and current rates at (617)825-2928.

Be careful ofrepparttar 110531 following:

* Do not sign anything unless it is completely filled out - especiallyrepparttar 110532 address ofrepparttar 110533 rental unit.

* Get a copy of everything that you sign.

* Only a licensed broker can charge a fee - not a landlord or sales agent.

* Do not payrepparttar 110534 fee until you have signedrepparttar 110535 lease.

dan the roommate man


Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

You could argue that since accepting rent nullifies a 30 day notice,repparttar notice can't expire when you are still paid up. In other words, you would have untilrepparttar 110530 end ofrepparttar 110531 second month beforerepparttar 110532 period expired. And you might even argue thatrepparttar 110533 notice is totally nullified when, onrepparttar 110534 30th day,repparttar 110535 landlord still has remaining rent money.

Here's what your arguing lips are likely to be up against: Your landlord might contend thatrepparttar 110536 last month's rent is simply refundable, and doesn't have a darn thing to do withrepparttar 110537 timing of a 30-day notice. He or she will want to refund a prorated share of that last month's rent whenrepparttar 110538 30 days expires. There may be some authority for that view, if you're in a state that considers all prepaid sums to be refundable. In these states, you can expect a landlord to argue that sincerepparttar 110539 law defines security deposit to include last month's rent, it's all a security deposit, anyway

dan the roommate man


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