Written by Doug Krieger

Continued from page 1
  The problem was created byrepparttar Devil himself—The Cabaret Society ofrepparttar 146724 Weimar Republic (They never represented true Germany!). "We'd been maligned by every creeping thing imaginable upon our streets: Socialists, Communists, radical Unionists, Jews, Secularists, Liberal Theologians, Homosexuals, Raunchy Entertainment, ad nausea—and this upon our wretched economic woes and that ‘Paper from Hell’ (i.e.,repparttar 146725 Versailles Treaty)."   Now—the Devil would providerepparttar 146726 solution torepparttar 146727 aforementioned problem. He would providerepparttar 146728 solution through a man, a party, that would reach down torepparttar 146729 common man and pull upon his heart strings—upon that which is made to respond torepparttar 146730 highest ideals of man: His religious conscience would berepparttar 146731 springboard to launch a fully consecrated and absolutely committed people, sold out torepparttar 146732 one who could uplift and empower them. Thence, this resolution to Germany's defeat must be ensconced withinrepparttar 146733 language of power and persuasion—it must carryrepparttar 146734 fervor ofrepparttar 146735 EVANGELIST,repparttar 146736 power ofrepparttar 146737 PROPHET,repparttar 146738 message ofrepparttar 146739 APOSTLE! Yes, convoluted—but done with such passionate skill, thatrepparttar 146740 unwitting and desperate would believerepparttar 146741 LIE. Indeed, a true LIE is so close to reality that its frightening resemblance obscures all semblances torepparttar 146742 truth!   Ultimately, a lie told long enough, and amplified torepparttar 146743 uttermost, resounds with familiarity—YE SHALL BE AS GODS, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL! This original deceit confounded our original forebears. This is no ordinary lie—it is THE LIE. Godhood,repparttar 146744 ultimate UBERMENSCH, isrepparttar 146745 final destiny ofrepparttar 146746 German race—of Hitler's "Religion." But first,repparttar 146747 people must be prepared, until they realize their supreme destination and status as DAS VOLK!   HITLER—I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID IT! (Hitler/Nazi Comments in quotes)   "We demand liberty for all religious denominations inrepparttar 146748 State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate againstrepparttar 146749 morality and moral sense ofrepparttar 146750 German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself inrepparttar 146751 matter of creed to any particular confession." (Item #24 ofrepparttar 146752 German Worker's Party "Program" cir. 1920s)   Atrepparttar 146753 earliest formation ofrepparttar 146754 Nazi Party, Hitler expressed his Christian support torepparttar 146755 German people and soldiers. Inrepparttar 146756 1920s, Hitler's German Workers' Party (pre Nazi terminology) adopted a twenty-five-point program withrepparttar 146757 clear intent to persuaderepparttar 146758 German people that "positive Christianity" was in full conformity torepparttar 146759 "moral" convictions ofrepparttar 146760 Party—i.e.,repparttar 146761 Party fully embracedrepparttar 146762 morality of Christianity and that Christianity was viewed as "singular" inrepparttar 146763 minds of that Party—Catholic and Protestants were considered asrepparttar 146764 foundation of German Christianity in its fullness and jurisdiction (the Party embraced both as one).   "MY LORD AND SAVIOR . . . IN THE BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN . . . HE HAD TO SHED HIS BLOOD UPON THE CROSS.  My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me torepparttar 146765 man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them. This is God's truth! He was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read throughrepparttar 146766 passage which tells us howrepparttar 146767 Lord at last rose in His might and seizedrepparttar 146768 scourge to drive out ofrepparttar 146769 Templerepparttar 146770 brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight forrepparttar 146771 world againstrepparttar 146772 Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before inrepparttar 146773 fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood uponrepparttar 146774 Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I haverepparttar 146775 duty to be a fighter for truth and justice....

  "And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it isrepparttar 146776 distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. 

"When I go out inrepparttar 146777 morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people is plundered and exploited."   [Note, "Brood of vipers" appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving outrepparttar 146778 moneychangers (adders) fromrepparttar 146779 temple.] Adolf Hitler, in his speech on 12 April 1922   “We were convinced thatrepparttar 146780 people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertakenrepparttar 146781 fight againstrepparttar 146782 atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” --Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 October 1933   Indeed, Hitler's speeches and proclamations, even more clearly, reveal his faith and feelings toward a Christianized Germany. Nazism presents an embarrassment to Christianity and demonstratesrepparttar 146783 danger of blending "faith with politics." Do you find it "spiritually disconcerting" to discoverrepparttar 146784 depth of Hitler's hermeneutic? How about his exegesis of Matthew 3:7, 12:34 and John 2:15? Hitler's depiction of Jesus asrepparttar 146785 FIGHTER, not asrepparttar 146786 sufferer, is a distortion ofrepparttar 146787 Scriptural intent of this reading; however, without knowingrepparttar 146788 full contextual nature ofrepparttar 146789 Word, one could (as Hitler did) surmise a MILITANT JESUS is in view, and not a suffering Jesus.   It has been said, "the Bible can be read to say anything!" Examples abound: "Judas hung himself . . . go thou and do likewise!" This classic piece of cut and paste, though stupid, is precisely what many so-called expositors do withrepparttar 146790 Word of God—Hitler was no exception. But,repparttar 146791 shedding ofrepparttar 146792 blood of Jesus asrepparttar 146793 ultimate payment for "truth and justice andrepparttar 146794 German way" is frightening and turns true Christianity on its head! Note that Hitler claims to be a Christian and, as such, he has a duty to his own people—he too, like Jesus, must be a fighter for truth and justice—he must ridrepparttar 146795 Temple ofrepparttar 146796 moneychangers, ofrepparttar 146797 abominable Jews who harass his people, like Jesus did. The German people, according to Hitler, were being "plundered and exploited" and he would be NO CHRISTIAN if he didn't do something about it.....

This is truly an awesome article, but due to space limitations you will need to go to our web site to seerepparttar 146798 enture thing. It has excellent pictures as well...

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You just can't polish a turd!

Written by Gordon Rant

Continued from page 1

Finally,repparttar House of Lords tookrepparttar 146670 crusty sheen offrepparttar 146671 governments "Entitlement Card" by renaming itrepparttar 146672 "ID Card". Onrepparttar 146673 face of it,repparttar 146674 ID Card has sound benefits. Some ofrepparttar 146675 official uses ofrepparttar 146676 card and national database include: national security, prevention or detection of crime, enforcement of immigration controls, enforcement of prohibitions on unauthorised working or employment, securingrepparttar 146677 efficient and effective provision of public services. However, althoughrepparttar 146678 concept may have been based onrepparttar 146679 best intentions, it offers ample opportunity to become a Pandora’s Box. Most people have reservations based on cost andrepparttar 146680 government's answer atrepparttar 146681 moment is to place a "Cap" onrepparttar 146682 price so as not to put people offrepparttar 146683 idea. However, like many other schemes aimed at reducingrepparttar 146684 burden onrepparttar 146685 public's purse,repparttar 146686 government will no doubt sliprepparttar 146687 same money out ofrepparttar 146688 public's back pocket.

Consider how new technology is currently being discussed, extend it with just a little imagination and you might see some ofrepparttar 146689 following appear inrepparttar 146690 near future:

Governments Vision: Your car transmits its position, time and speed using current satellite technology to bring about an age of pay as you go car tax.

or possibly: Instant Speed Fines, Congestion charges in all cities, Peak time charges, torepparttar 146691 penny expense claims enforcement for company car employees.

Governments Vision: ID cards to prevent prohibitions on unauthorised working or employment

or possibly: The week you are taking off sick is being traced by your employer viarepparttar 146692 government database. It seems that your visit torepparttar 146693 Gym, Pub, Bookies, Garden Centre, Lake District, Golf Coarse etc is going to be causing you some embarrassment inrepparttar 146694 meeting on Monday.

You may sneer, but remember when personal phones with a face on a television were just seen on "Space 1999"... or is that just me?

turd (tûrd)

n. Vulgar

A piece of solid excrement.

[Middle English, from Old English tord.]

Gordon doesn't usually like to talk politics unless it involves making money, he writes

articles for the personal finance articles website www.search-4-loans.co.uk. He also maintains content on www.the-loanshop.co.uk and www.debt-consolidationloan.co.uk.

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