H-Commerce For Hispanic Women

Written by Angelique Watkins

Continued from page 1
share information on business opportunities and resources, and do business with other Hispanic women in 98 market areas (in North America, Latin America,repparttar Caribbean and Spain) and in over 100 business categories."

Hispanic women with an entrepreneurial spirit are invited to visit http://www.hbwa.net for information on, how to join and benefit from, this rapidly growing, international on-line community.

Independent Homebase Researcher & Writer


Marketing For The Self-Employed

Written by Jeff Colburn

Continued from page 1

There are many ways to do this. I have a list of potential clients, and I call everyone on this list at least once a month. I also send out postcards to everyone onrepparttar list four times a year. Hot prospects also get two additional special mailings a year.

Postcards can be made cheaply by creatingrepparttar 105488 card in a program like Microsoft Publisher '97. Fit four cards on a page, then photocopy this design onto a very bright card stock. Cutrepparttar 105489 postcards apart and mail them. The very bright paper really stands out on a client's desk that's piled high with paperwork.

Other things that I have done include: mailing out monthly calendars, sending out small gifts (pencils, pens, small photo albums, etc. with my name and phone number printed on them), mailing Christmas and birthday cards and sending thank you cards after every completed assignment.

You will need to establish pricing for your services. The best way to find a starting point is to check with several professional organizations in your field to see whatrepparttar 105490 national average is. Then call several people in your area who are doing what you want to do and ask what they charge. I would suggest calling as a prospective client as you'll get more cooperation from them. Remember that prices will be higher in large cities than in small ones.

If you think that finding clients, and getting assignments, arerepparttar 105491 end of your problems, think again. You still need to be paid.

Most of your clients will pay you. They may take longer to pay than you would like, but they will pay. In two years as a freelance photographer in Southern California, I had only two clients that I had payment problems with. The best way to avoid problems with payment is to have a signed contract. Many professional organizations can supply you with sample contracts that you, or a lawyer, can customize for your specific needs. Be surerepparttar 105492 contract includes what services are to be rendered, what fees are to be charged and when payment is due. Even if your contract states that payment is due in thirty days, it's not uncommon to wait ninety days to get your check. It's something you just need to live with. It's better to wait for payment than get bent out of shape and lose a client. But feel free to callrepparttar 105493 client every two to four weeks to get an update on your payment.

You can also find clients by setting up your own website. Showing examples of your product or service, along with testimonials, can be a great help. It also allows prospective clients see your work instantly. You could even find clients using only a website. I sell my ebooks on my website, and I have friends who sell their web design, writing, audiotapes, astrological forecasts and other services exclusively from their website. If you haverepparttar 105494 skill and time, you may also want to have an e-newsletter to send out regularly to those who have signed up for it. It's a great, and cheap, way to promote yourself and keep your name in front of prospective clients. Doing anything onrepparttar 105495 Internet can be time consuming, but it can cost almost nothing. I pay $25 a year for my domain name and $10 a month for a website. That's aboutrepparttar 105496 cheapest promotion you will find anywhere.

The real secret to promoting your business is to stay motivated. Be excited about your product or service, and show that excitement to your clients. Excitement is contagious, so get your clients excited about you and you'll have a much better chance of getting a sale or assignment.

Suggested Reading

1001 Ways To Market Your Books by John Kremer - Even though this book was designed to help writers sell their books, it's full of useful marketing information that anyone can use.

Any ofrepparttar 105497 Guerrilla Marketing books by Jay Conrad Levinson - These books are a great source of marketing information.

The Well-Fed Writer by Peter Bowerman - Peter will show you how to be financially self-sufficient as a freelance writer in a big city in six months or less.

http://www.CreativeCauldron.com Jeff Colburn is a freelance writer who specializes in websites, newsletters, poetry and genre fiction. His books, "The Writer's Dictionary Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Mythology" and "The Youngest Ninja," can be purchased from his site, www.CreativeCauldron.com. The Creative Cauldron is a site filled with information for writers, photographers, artists and other creative people.

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