Guide to a Growing Trend: The "Green" or Ecological Wedding

Written by Blake Kritzberg

Continued from page 1

Flower petals in paper cones are environmentally friendlier than bubble solution in plastic containers, and require no clean-up. The trick is finding petal suppliers that don't use pesticides. These growers are more popular inrepparttar U.K. thanrepparttar 130740 U.S. Green brides might also distribute harm-free favors, such as sachets made of pesticide-free herbs, live flowers, tree seedlings, or small packets of organic tea. In fact, some brides register at charitable organizations instead of department stores, and contribute to environmentally-active organizations instead of handing out favors. 3) Reuse, Recycle Evenrepparttar 130741 most traditional wedding brings opportunities for reuse/recycling. For example, leftovers fromrepparttar 130742 reception can be delivered to food banks, and flowers dropped off at hospitals or rest homes. The green bride often takes this a step further and chooses recycled paper for invitations and Save-the-Date cards, for example. She might also re-use a wedding gown (her mother's could be ideal, or failing that, one from a thrift or vintage store). Otherwise,repparttar 130743 green bride might opt for a new gown that isn't too formal to be worn regularly afterrepparttar 130744 ceremony. Just as atrepparttar 130745 grocery store, eco-friendly does not necessarily mean cheaper. Ecology brides are sometimes surprised to discover their weddings cost 10K and up, just like those of their more traditional sisters.

Still, when she looks back on a wedding that opted for more "nature," less formality, and less conspicuous consumption,repparttar 130746 green bride often finds it was time well spent – and perhaps nurturesrepparttar 130747 hope that a guest or two will be inspired to follow her path.

Blake Kritzberg is the proprietor of:

Visit the site for easy, elegant, unusual, and affordable wedding favor ideas, wedding favor FAQ, and free wedding screensaver. This article may be freely reprinted so long as this resource box and URL are preserved.

Marking Togetherness: Beyond the Unity Candle

Written by By Blake Kritzberg

Continued from page 1

The groom then takesrepparttar bride's hands, palm side up. The officiant says, "They arerepparttar 130738 hands that will passionately love you and cherish you throughrepparttar 130739 years, for a lifetime of happiness, as she promises her love and commitment to you allrepparttar 130740 days of her life."

* Knot Ceremony Inrepparttar 130741 knot ceremony,repparttar 130742 mothers ofrepparttar 130743 bridal couple are given a cord, whichrepparttar 130744 officiant later asks them to give torepparttar 130745 bridal couple. The couple ties a lover's knot, which they may save to look back on later.

* Sand, Water and Wine Ceremonies These are all mixing ceremonies suited to a Unitarian or interfaith wedding. The sand ceremony is said to arise from Apache customs, and is popular in beach weddings. In each case,repparttar 130746 bride and groom pour sand or liquid from two separate vials into one. Inrepparttar 130747 wine ceremony, they drinkrepparttar 130748 mixed wine.

A nice touch is to haverepparttar 130749 bride pour white wine whilerepparttar 130750 groom pours red. You can then serve rosé atrepparttar 130751 reception to remind everyone ofrepparttar 130752 ceremony.

* The Salt Covenant The salt covenant is an ancient tradition, well-described inrepparttar 130753 Bible, and appearing regularly in Indian-national and Jewish weddings. Likerepparttar 130754 Jewish Huppah,repparttar 130755 salt covenant (a mixing ceremony with ancient connotations of loyalty, protection and hospitality) is beginning to show up in non-Jewish weddings as well.

* The Foot-Washing Ceremony The foot washing ceremony (not to be confused withrepparttar 130756 Scottish bridal foot-washing ceremony, a raucous pre-wedding event) is a fascinating, solemn custom emphasizingrepparttar 130757 role of dual servitude in a marriage.

This short article hasn't covered allrepparttar 130758 unification ceremonies: there are bread-sharing ceremonies, circling ceremonies, broom jumping ceremonies, and probably more ceremonies that are being invented right now.

However, if you feel a unification ceremony might make your wedding more meaningful and personal, consider these alternatives. Don't forget that you can use more than one!

Blake Kritzberg is the proprietor of:

Visit the site for easy, elegant, unusual, and affordable wedding favor ideas, wedding favor FAQ, and a free wedding screensaver. This article may be freely reprinted so long as this resource box and URL are preserved.

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