Guide to Internet Business - Concept and Opportunities

Written by Steven O. Ng

Continued from page 1

i) If you want to setup an online store, don't just look at how bigrepparttar market is. You also have to look at how much competition you face in your chosen industry. For example, an online bookstore will have a huge market (almost everyone reads), but there are plenty of competitors out there such as with a bigger wallet and are more established. In cases like these, you will have to consider allocating a larger budget for advertising and attracting customers.

Onrepparttar 102202 other hand, if you want to start a online store selling waterproof cameras for diving,repparttar 102203 market might not be all that big (probably just diving enthusiasts), but because there are few competitors, it will be easier for your store to stand out. As they say: "It might not be a big pie, but you'll getrepparttar 102204 lion's share of it".

ii) If you want to create an informational website, you have to keep your competition in mind as well. In addition, you need to make sure that your selected topic has sufficient income potential such as affiliate programs and advertisements.

These affiliate programs and advertisements should be related to your website. For example, a wedding planning website can promote affiliate programs related to photography and event management, but should not promote an escort service! In addition, every website can earn some extra cash by placing advertisements (not too many) on their webpages. A good ad service is Google's AdSense program.

d) Commitment

The last factor I want to touch on is commitment to your internet business. There are two types of commitment you should be aware of: money and time.

By its very nature, internet businesses require very little money to start. However, profits don't come immediately. Websites take time, sometimes as much as 6 months, to start ranking inrepparttar 102205 search engines and getting traffic. You therefore have to plan for that much time of operational losses (including your hosting costs). If you are in a highly competitive industry, you will also have to factor in your monthly advertising budget.

However,repparttar 102206 most important commitment you have to make is your time. As they say: "If you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business; If you treat it like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby."

You need to know how much time you can allocate torepparttar 102207 business. A simple informational website can be setup gradually on just one hour a day. However, setting up an online store will require almost full-time effort inrepparttar 102208 beginning. Once your store is done, then your time commitment will drop.

When you've decided what kind of internet business you are interested in, and how much resources to put into it, you can then look atrepparttar 102209 second step, researchingrepparttar 102210 design and content of your website. You can check outrepparttar 102211 entire Step-By-Step Guide at

Steven is the webmaster of His website contains various resources on affiliate programs and internet marketing advice to help you succeed in your internet business, including a Step-By-Step Guide to get you started.

Internet And Network Marketing

Written by Sanjay Johari

Continued from page 1

First of all I would like to say my hats off to those net-preneurs who have designed so many different tools - andrepparttar evolution continues. I never cease to wonder atrepparttar 102201 creative ideas people come out with.

I have tried several promotional methods. But one tool has given me better response than all others combined. This is writing articles for publications on ezines.

There are so many ezines which are prepared to publish your article free of cost. You can add a resource box with your article which will carry your promotional message. This is a free publicity for you targeted to those who are interested in reading your article. Outside internet this type of low cost publication and ready accessibility of information is unthinkable.

Those who have published my articles have done great job for me. The author ofrepparttar 102202 article is perceived as a human with flesh and blood who can be trusted. With your articles you can build up your image and identity. This advantage is not available on some other promotional tools such as classified ads, FFA pages, banner advertisement - though they have their own merit.

Articles published on ezines have come to acquire their own character which is distinctly different from what you will find in printed journals and magazines. When you read articles on ezines you feel thatrepparttar 102203 author is talking to you. The message has spontaneity as if it is coming straight from author's experience. This is far better way of writing than impersonal essay-type writing.

When your articles are published on ezines which allow free reprints,repparttar 102204 articles are picked up by other publishers and webmasters for publishing on their sites. Your resource box goes along withrepparttar 102205 article - this is necessary pre-condition for re-publication of articles. This way you get publicity which continues for months and years as long as your article is available inrepparttar 102206 archives.

Writing articles is just one ofrepparttar 102207 unique promotional tools available onrepparttar 102208 Internet. You can safely use this to charge up your network marketing.

Best wishes for your writing success Sanjay Johari

Sanjay Johari contributes articles regularly to several ezines. See his site for articles and other information relating to small business.

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