Guide To Creating A Popular Online Community

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

6. Submit your chat room, e-mail discussion list or discussion board to online community directories. You can find them by typing "repparttar community type" withrepparttar 140469 word "directory" in any search engine.

7. Create an e-zine just for people who participate in your online community. Allow them to subscribe for free. When they receive each issue, it will remind them to come back and participate in your community.

8. You (the owner ofrepparttar 140470 online community) should participate regularly. Post information that will benefitrepparttar 140471 other people. This will show them you care about your online community members.

9. Have plenty of people to monitor your online community. They could remove postings that turn away people like profanity, spam and other off- subject postings.

10. Your online community should contain user friendly features, like a search option for archived discussions, easy posting or chatting options, email updates or digests, etc.

Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine introducing their new affiliate program, which is due out July, 2005. Zabang

Making Your Online Testimonials More Believable

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

7. RECORDINGS You could record peoples testimonials overrepparttar phone with a mini tape recorder. Then, takerepparttar 140468 recording and record it to an answering machine or voice mail system. Under each one, include a phone number they can call to hearrepparttar 140469 actual testimonial.

8. E-MAIL MESSAGES When you get e-mail testimonials, publishrepparttar 140470 entire e-mail message instead of justrepparttar 140471 contents. It will be more believable because it will includerepparttar 140472 date, time, subject, who it's from and who it's to.

9. CONTACT INFORMATION When you get testimonials from people, ask them if you could include their contact information underrepparttar 140473 testimonial. This will allow potential customers to ask your current customers questions about your product or service before they buy. Usually, they will trust them more than you.

10. ONLINE VIDEO If some ofrepparttar 140474 people who give you testimonials have a camcorder, ask them to record their testimonial on video and send it to you. Then you could convertrepparttar 140475 video to an online video file and upload it to your site. You can find more information about converting audio recording's by typing "real video" at a search engine.

Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine introducing their new affiliate program, which is due out July, 2005. Zabang

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