Guarantees with Oomph

Written by Marcia Yudkin

Continued from page 1

* Depending on your business, consider a performance guarantee instead of promising a refund. For example, a termite-control customer might prefer your promise to make repparttar problem go away, no matter what it takes, to getting her money back ifrepparttar 106062 treatment doesn't wipe outrepparttar 106063 pests.

* If you can stand behind outrageous-sounding guarantees, go for it, as in, "We guarantee that your credit-card application will be approved by one ofrepparttar 106064 listed banks, or we'll return every penny you paid us, plus $10.00 extra for your trouble." Since this company knows that only 4 percent of applicants get turned down, their offer motivates without bankrupting them.

* Try guaranteeing some aspect of your product or service rather thanrepparttar 106065 main product or service itself. One advertising firm promises that all calls will be returned in less than one hour, orrepparttar 106066 caller receives a $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant.

* Act graciously and promptly when a request for a refund comes in. See what you can learn fromrepparttar 106067 customer's dissatisfaction. Software returns were killing one catalog merchant until she wroterepparttar 106068 catalog copy more carefully and tested it on her friends for clarity. Customer service research reveals that people whose complaints are handled well often turn into more loyal customers than those who never had a problem!

The above is adapted from "Secrets of Mouthwatering Marketing Copy" by Marcia Yudkin, available from . Marcia Yudkin is the author of 11 books, including Persuading on Paper and Internet Marketing for Less than $500/Year.

Create Your 21st Century Success Now

Written by Burt Dubin

Continued from page 1

3. It continues with relentless research. The fruit of this investigation is, for me,repparttar insight that much of success in any entrepreneurial activity is simply showing up. Beyond showing up, there’s excellence in execution. Then, it’s having a unique position,a burning desire, a mission so powerful thatrepparttar 106061 mission has me. Add alluring promotion, magnetic marketing, a bit of wit and a colossal commitment, so huge that everything is surrendered inrepparttar 106062 service ofrepparttar 106063 success yearned for.

4. Then, on top of all of that it takes ceaseless work, unending hours engaging personal wisdom, personal intuition, personal initiative and so much more. First to discover how to direct market my services and products, then to master indirect marketing, to experiencerepparttar 106064 indescribable joy of hearing my phone ring. Imagine having decision-makers calling you to ask if you are available to serve them! There's nothing like it.

5. After that, with business flowing in, I have to learn how to deliver much likerepparttar 106065 fabled Chinese meal: Products and services that leave clients/customers satisfied yet hungry for more, and then more again.

6. Let's not forget marketing graphics, appropriate forrepparttar 106066 services, products, and fees atrepparttar 106067 time. These are to be updated and revised often as services and products evolve.

7. Finally,and really first in importance, spirit, love, caring, acceptance ofrepparttar 106068 mantle of success along with accountability for being egoless while savoring this success.

Let‘s now look directly at your 21st century success and its aspects: When you surrender to your higher purpose, when you give yourself to your intentions, you may just find yourself living in a state of euphoria. You may find inner peace, a sense of rightness about how you are engaging your energies. We may even know you've found whatrepparttar 106069 Buddhists call your right livelihood.

Have you been waiting forrepparttar 106070 point? Here it is:

You don't have to endure what I endured. You can attainrepparttar 106071 business success—orrepparttar 106072 greater business success—that you desire, faster and easier now. You can stand on my shoulders. You can hold your head high. You can know you’ve engaged classic principles to advance torepparttar 106073 fulfillment of your aspirations.

Burt Dubin, 20 year veteran of the business of speaking, mentors speakers and wanna-be’s world-wide.For samples of the wisdom available to you,simply go to

Burt Dubin, 1 Speaking Success Road, Kingman, Arizona 86402-6543, USA. Phone 800-321-1225 Fax 928-753-7554. mailto:

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