Growing Up Backwards

Written by D. Braun

Continued from page 1

I know that my own happiness is dependent upon me - no one else. When you burden another human being withrepparttar responsibility for your own happiness, you're setting them up for failure and yourself up for pain.

I've learned that when you look to someone to complete you, you drain their very being. Most folks have enough problems dealing with themselves - their own dreams and fears and flaws and responsibilities. When you find someone to complement you - then you can find out what real friendship is, what real unconditional love is - what real peace is.

I've learned that I don't need a man. Sure, there's a lot I miss. I missrepparttar 128650 hugs,repparttar 128651 laughs,repparttar 128652 strength,repparttar 128653 partnership,repparttar 128654 feeling that I'm not always in this 'all alone'. And it's ok to miss those things. But I don't NEED one. Someday I will probably want another relationship. But I don't have to have one now - because I'm finally learning who I am and what I'm capable of - and it's much more than I ever gave myself credit for. And that is super cool.

I know that I've livedrepparttar 128655 majority of my 40 years for someone else - a parent, a husband, a child - and that's ok - it taught me, molded me, strengthened me. I wouldn't changerepparttar 128656 pattern of my life if I could. But when you finally figure out who you are - and further, figure out that you LIKE who you are,repparttar 128657 difference inrepparttar 128658 level of chaos inside is absolutely astounding.

I am me, I like me, there's things I am working to change and there's things that I'm very proud of - but no matter what, I like me - no matter WHAT someone else thinks or says.

That isrepparttar 128659 ultimate freedom - and one you can't teach your children - they just have to learn it - maybe backwards. And that's ok, too.

Dee is a Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Reflexologist, and Reiki Master. Her site is - a source of quality aromatherapy, herbal and reflexology information and products.

A Tribute to Edna

Written by Laurie Hayes

Continued from page 1

What matters is that you made this world a better place, just by being a part of it.

M is a wonderful, caring and generous woman who recognizesrepparttar greatness in everyone, and extends support and strength to others instinctively.

I believe that M is someone else's Edna, although she may not be aware of it right now and may never know who she has touchedrepparttar 128648 way Edna has touched her.

If I can have an impact on someone's liferepparttar 128649 way Edna had on M's, I will have achieved my purpose.

I hope some day I too will be given wings as Edna has so I may move on torepparttar 128650 next level of my being.

Take some time today to think about how you are impacting others' lives.

Do you encourage, support and accept others as they are?

What can you do today to make someone feel as though they are accepted and not judged?

Acknowledgerepparttar 128651 greatness in others and encourage them to be proud of who they are. Listen to their ideas and praise them forrepparttar 128652 things they do well.

All we can do is help each other to berepparttar 128653 best we can be. Love each other no matter what and support each other whenrepparttar 128654 times get tough.

Edna has passedrepparttar 128655 torch. Hold it tight and carry on.

Laurie Hayes is a Life Strategy Coach and founder of Where the Heart Is Life Coaching. She works with men and women who want to create significant change in their personal and/or professional lives. To subscribe to her bi-weekly newsletter and secure a copy of her free e-book, "10 Guidelines for Attraction," visit

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