Grow Your Business The Natural Way

Written by Al Hanzal

Continued from page 1

Gift Shop discovers new revenue A hospital gift shop discovered a new source of revenue. Instead of treating customer phone orders (phone calls coming intorepparttar gift shop to order flowers for patients inrepparttar 104512 hospital) as an accommodation service, they used these phone orders as a sales opportunity. They offeredrepparttar 104513 caller a broad variety of gifts rather thanrepparttar 104514 traditional vase of flowers. Customers were delighted withrepparttar 104515 personalized options; patients were happy withrepparttar 104516 gifts they received andrepparttar 104517 gift shop doubled their average phone purchase. By looking at their current operations from a different perspective, they were able to create a profitable niche for one part of their business. What potential niches lie waiting in your business? If you want to learn more aboutrepparttar 104518 niche building process, you will want to read my free report, “The Power of Niche Building for Your Small Business”. Just click “reply” to this email or send me an email at and onrepparttar 104519 subject line, put “Free Niche Building Report”. I will send yourepparttar 104520 free report. Next month, we will explore deeper intorepparttar 104521 niche building model.

Copyright Al Hanzal, 2004 All Rights Reserved

Hanzal Enterprises, Inc. 4191 Granite Court Eagan, Minnesota 55123 651-495-3340

For other powerful small business tools that you can use easily, quickly and affordably to improve your small business profits, click How To Make Profits in Touch Economic Times on my website

Al Hanzal has been working in small businesses for 14 years. He helps small business owners make more profits by helping them build a business niche.

Survival Tips for Office Heroes

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

Continued from page 1

3)Entrain. If you listen to one frequency in your left ear and another in your right,repparttar right and left hemispheres of your brain will become synchronized. Your brain waves will settle into a frequency that enables you to become more relaxed and creative. To do this, you can go outside and walk in nature. You can listen to an entrainment CD on your headphones. Or you can come up with your own system. For example, if you have a small fountain in your office, and someone next to you has one as well, you’ll both benefit fromrepparttar 104511 differing frequencies. Or, play a nature sounds CD on two stereos in different parts ofrepparttar 104512 office. Create different sounds—small chimes, an open window with street noise, whatever you can do to have different frequencies around you.

4)Drink. Your brain needs water. Your day is going to drag if you get dehydrated, and you won’t realize how long it’s been since you had anything to drink. It’s easy to get caught up in what you’re doing and forget this, so build some triggers into your routine. Keep a water bottle on your desk and get inrepparttar 104513 habit of taking a drink whenever you complete and send an email. Take a drink whenever you sign your name. Take a drink whenever you hang uprepparttar 104514 phone, but before you blow up that balloon! 5)Pause. Don’t pretend you don’t know how to do this. All it takes is 30 seconds of effort to do…nothing. Close your eyes, gaze at your screensaver, or stare outrepparttar 104515 window—whatever works for you. Intentionally noticerepparttar 104516 thoughts that pop into your head, and with each one, as though you were standing back and holding a clipboard, simply say “next” and move on. “Is it lunch?” Next. “I’ll never finish.” Next. “I forgot that agenda.” Next. Don’t dwell. Just note.

The important thing is to create reminders to be mindful of your tension level. Pay attention and take measures to reduce your frustration in small but effective ways.

Here’s my favorite trick. Keep a bowl of M&Ms on your desk. Every time you eat one, remember to be Mindful and Magnificent.

It works like Magic.

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 80 countries. This article appeared in the Friday Mind Massage in honor of Administrative Professionals Day. To subscribe, visit

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