Grieving Our Losses

Written by Maurice Turmel PhD

Continued from page 1

To some that may seem sad though, to arrive in this “feeling” place where grief has brought you. But is it really? Perhaps it’s a better thing than you imagined, this place where truth resides within. Perhaps it’s more than you ever bargained for. Sure, grief brought you here, but what else goes on in this place of tender emotion? How about looking around, since you’re already here?

These are your life lessons after all, to have and to hold, until your truths can be borne. How could you ever have a guru do that for you? No such luck! You have to do it yourself. But what a fantastic opportunity to get to know yourself better, to live deep inside your own heart and soul while this grieving process goes on around you.

Let me assure you that you will survive. You will overcome these tragic effects. Because there is truth in there where you live. And that truth will take you somewhere important - for you! This is Your Truth, remember, and only you can assess, experience and benefit fromrepparttar effects it will have upon you.

So do it! Allow yourself to descend to where it hurts and find out for yourself what this experience of grief and loss is, and what it can teach you that might correct your misperceptions about Life, Love & Purpose. Yes, you have access torepparttar 130658 truth, just as I do, just as we all do. As these lessons arrive, they are yours forrepparttar 130659 taking. We all get them. Grief and Loss are but one more avenue to help us get to our very own Truth. Yes,repparttar 130660 suffering will eventually pass, butrepparttar 130661 Truth – well, that’s forever!

Maurice Turmel PhD is the author of "Parables on Grief & Loss" and "Parables for a Modern Age." He was a practicing therapist for nearly 25 years, and is now an Author, Speaker and Performing Songwriter, all on the subjects of Personal Growth, Creative Self-Expression and dealing with Grief & Loss. He can be reached at or, through his Website at

Self, Soul and Parables

Written by Maurice Turmel PhD

Continued from page 1

The Self is not our Ego which has been our symbol of outward expression until this time. The ego has been an integral part of our human journey but is no longer its mainstay. As many Eastern philosophers point out,repparttar ego is a stepping stone to this new threshold,repparttar 130656 arising ofrepparttar 130657 Self. This Self is our core which, as we shall see, connects us torepparttar 130658 Divine. Remember,repparttar 130659 ego wants to be a God unto itself, totally self-sufficient and isolated, lying atrepparttar 130660 root of all our addictions which take us away from our true Self.

This Self contains and expresses that which we are in our feelings and emotions. This feeling nature has been called Heart and refers to our strongest desires and passions. “Follow your bliss” Joseph Campbell would suggest in answer to such questions as “who am I?” and “what is my purpose here on this earth?” The “recovery movement” has linked this Self with “the lost inner child.” Again, another description that placesrepparttar 130661 Self as our feeling nature. I believe that this Self isrepparttar 130662 “true” center of our human personality and when “free” and “actualized” connects us to our Soul, its spiritual counterpart.

Our Soul is our connection torepparttar 130663 Spiritual andrepparttar 130664 very source of our being. Our Soul takes on human form for its Earthly experience and gives rise torepparttar 130665 Self which isrepparttar 130666 spiritual in human form. Self and Soul arerepparttar 130667 flip sides ofrepparttar 130668 same coin. Onrepparttar 130669 one side we see our spiritual nature; onrepparttar 130670 other we see our essential human nature. Expressingrepparttar 130671 Divine through our human form brings God down to Earth and renders this physical experience “Holy.” Our parables, myths and stories recount this journey whererepparttar 130672 hero or heroin always emerges vitally alive, unencumbered and free.

The Self then, is brought forward and nurtured onrepparttar 130673 human plane of experience. Expressing this Self strengthens us in our human drama and leads us back to Soul. Self and Soul work dynamically together to maintainrepparttar 130674 bond betweenrepparttar 130675 human andrepparttar 130676 Divine. We see that we are Spiritual beings first and foremost. And our humanness is but one expression ofrepparttar 130677 Divine that seeks to enlarge Itself throughrepparttar 130678 human journey, to once again assert why we are here – which is simply To Grow!

Maurice Turmel PhD is the author of "Parables on Grief & Loss" and "Parables for a Modern Age." He was a practicing therapist for nearly 25 years, and is now an Author, Speaker and Performing Songwriter, all on the subject of Personal Growth, Creative Self-Expression and dealing with Grief & Loss. He can be reached at "" or, through his website:

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