Graphics for the web: The Most Common Formats

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

- Animation - You can tie together multiple images to create animation.

The problems of GIF are:

- GIF uses a proprietary encoding/decoding scheme called LZW (Lempel Zev Welch). This scheme is patented by Unisys, who has been sending out letters demanding compensation from some companies who have created commercial image applications.

- GIF images can only include 256 colors.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - Another very common format onrepparttar internet. JPEG (also known as JPG) images use a lossy compression scheme. This means that as you optimize your image bits are removed. Whenrepparttar 134635 image is decompressed,repparttar 134636 bits are interpolated. This means that as you use greater and greater compression, your image tends to get fuzzier and fuzzier.

This format is best for images with gradients, such as paintings and photos. Images with sharp definition, such as clipart and text, should be saved as GIF or PNG.

JPEG images can often be compressed to smaller sizes thanrepparttar 134637 exact same image in GIF format, although some definition may be lost. Depending uponrepparttar 134638 image, this may or may not be important.

The main reason why JPEG images would be used instead of GIF is that JPEG's support more than 256 colors.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) - PNG is a new, up-and-coming format. PNG has all ofrepparttar 134639 features of GIF except for animation, and PNG hasrepparttar 134640 advantage of allowing for more than 256 colors. In addition,repparttar 134641 compression algorithm of PNG is public domain and non-lossy (bits ofrepparttar 134642 image are not lost), which makes it superior to both GIF and JPG.

All ofrepparttar 134643 newer browsers support PNG format, including Netscape and Internet Explorer. You should still use this format with caution, as older browsers do not support it at all. Thus, if you userepparttar 134644 format you are more-or-less locking out those who have not upgraded their browsers.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: Weekly newsletter: Daily Tips:

Web Site Design: Pulling Them In Deeper

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

As you write a paragraph think about concepts that can be expanded. For example, if you write about birds and you mentionrepparttar Amazon jungles, you might include a link to a page with more data about those jungles. Be surerepparttar 134634 link is in a different color or format (underlined) so your visitors can see that they can click on it.

You can also include graphics which link to additional information. In this case, embedrepparttar 134635 image within your document as you normally would, and include a hyperlink torepparttar 134636 appropriate page. You should also include sufficient ALT text to describerepparttar 134637 image in case your visitor has graphics turned off.

The idea is to give your visitors lots of options as he is reading your text or looking at your graphics. Don't give him so many that every word is a link (that's getting ridiculous) but by including additional links to more information you cause him to want to explore your site. In other words, you make your web site more interesting.

As you include more and more content (which happens normally as your web site ages) you may want to link to older content. This tends to get additional use out of those older pages which normally get relegated to archives and never get seen again. You can also go back torepparttar 134638 older content and add links torepparttar 134639 newer content if applicable. This helps to keep your web site looking very fresh and increases it's usefulness.

Sorepparttar 134640 idea is simple. Link and cross-link content within your site. By doing so, you create a tapestry for your visitors to look at, read and admire. If you are selling something, this adds value which causes your visitors to trust your opinion and your recommendations. This often leads to additional sales. If your goal is to deliver your message, then by using these techniques you make your site more interesting, which causes people to want to explore further.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: Weekly newsletter: Daily Tips:

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