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Uncial and Insular are languages that were developed in Irish language centers for writing Scriptures (Uncial) and what later became English (Insular). Ogham was around a long time before these more sophisticated alphabets as any person with no grasp of linguistics can easily see and yet Britannica and others maintain cover up to this day. Here is a little confirmation that St. Patrick was part of a major effort to bring certain people into fold and develop schools to teach what Druids like Columcille (later St. Columba) had learned at real centers of learning like Isle of Druids or Iona. This is taken from Annals of Ulster. This is a record of just one source in just one year (439). Bishops gathering in one place like this is not common as I understand it but I may be wrong.
“Secundinus, Auxilius and Isserninus, themselves also bishops, are sent to Ireland to assist Patrick.” And there is also an entry that has Patrick being confirmed as a bishop a couple of years later. So he clearly was not top person or grand Pooh-Bah of hegemony that was there in first place. Rome was always looking to get more local ‘fronts’ for their deals so that average person would not clue in to what was really going on. Here is that entry from year 441. “Bishop Patrick was approved in Catholic faith.” Of course I could be cute and suggest he had not even been Catholic before this but I frankly don’t think that would be unusual either. Augustine is a study in greed and need for power too.
In apologetic words of current Pope whose heritage includes 'Holy' (?) Emperors of this heinous group of 'churchians' he asks for 'forgiveness and renewal' as he admits to dastardly deeds of Crusades, Flagellants, and Inquisitors. But is there a day care center in Vatican? How about a female priest or God forbid, a Bishop? Most of humanity doesn't even know what a Druid or 'proto-Celt' is or was. There is an old saying 'if you want to know what a Druid knows, ask a wild bee.' The bee was important to Phocaeans, Napoleon and now Mormons. Symbols (like bee) communicate, letters are symbols, language or communication is more than intellectual sum of its letters or words. The heart and soul make beauty of true wisdom comprehensible to far greater depths than intellect can imagine.
How did we sink so low as to barter lives of our mothers and 'sisters'?
Why have those who arranged these horrors tried to blame Jews (and in an indirect manner, all 'sinners') for death of Jesus? He did not claim to be a co-equal member of Holy Trinity. It wasn't Jews who 'killed our Saviour'. John Ralston Saul says this about whole matter
"HOLY TRINITY-CHRISTIAN A pre-alchemist alchemist concept developed by early Christian administrators to soften hard-edged simplicity of straight monotheism.
The three-in-one/one-in-three mystery of Father, Son and Holy Ghost {That beatniks called 'Laddio, Daddio and Spook'.} made tritheism official. The subsequent almost-deification of Virgin Mary made it quatrotheism {And raised un-natural 'virginity' or possible non-sense such as immaculate conceptions, which fathers must have loved and priests certainly benefit from, to heights of increasing obscenity!}. Twelve Disciples as semi-deities then made it sextusdecitheism. Finally, cart-loads of saints raised to quarter-deification turned Christianity into plain, old-fashioned polytheism. By time of Crusades, it was most polytheistic religion ever to have existed, with possible exception of Hinduism. This untenable contradiction between assertion of monotheism and reality of polytheism was dealt with {And this is MOST important observation of a technique known in psychology as 'projection of a pluperfect paranoid' or 'BIG LIE' of alphabet soup agencies and 'black ops'; less organized criminals like Mafia call it a 'frame-up'.} by accusing other religions of Christian fault. The Church - Catholic and later Protestant - turned aggressively on two most clearly monotheistic religions in view {Also they began at least 700 years of war, A CRUSADE! against remnants of Kelts in Ireland.) - Judaism and Islam - and persecuted them as heathen or pagan. ..These pagans must therefore be converted, conquered {ego 'Manifest Destiny'} and/or killed for their own good in order that they may benefit from singularity of Holy Trinity, plus appendages.
HOLY TRINITY - POST CHRISTIAN So far Nietzsche has been wrong about GOD. We have not managed to become Him in His place. Instead we have replaced God with a yet more abstract divinity based upon pure rational power... Organization or structure replaced Father, TECHNOLOGY displaced Son and Holy Ghost gave way to information. The new priesthood was made up of technocrats. As etymology of word 'technocrat' indicates, from beginning they were to be specialists in power... And they would stand guard over information." (3)
The fears and apathy of average people are as much to blame for this history of managed and 'guarded information' that records acts of bad people. ‘We are all our brother’s keepers’ is not just an idle platitude. The Druidic concept called IESA or 'The Brotherhood of Man' apprehended Cosmic Thought Field of Faraday and Tesla or 'Cosmic Soup' of Deepak Chopra. NASA scientists have just announced that Life is Everywhere including microbes in outer space. They talk about cell membrane formation that makes we wonder if these are conscious connected 'info packets'(Tesla) or 'templates' (Teilhard de Chardin) from which energy can create in a manner more akin to ancient creationist theories of supposed pagans.
Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at