Got FUN?

Written by Clyde Dennis

Continued from page 1

The second brother gets it. Life’srepparttar same way. Even while shovelingrepparttar 109866 manure that comes along with living a full life, get yourself to focus on what lies onrepparttar 109867 other side ofrepparttar 109868 pile you’re dealing with and you clearrepparttar 109869 way to have fun while getting to it.

This week, just like last week andrepparttar 109870 days and weeks that will follow, you will be in situations where you’ll have to make a choice. Do this thing and be miserablerepparttar 109871 whole time I’m doing it, or get focused onrepparttar 109872 pony ride onrepparttar 109873 other side ofrepparttar 109874 task at hand and really have some fun with it.

I invite you to joinrepparttar 109875 ranks of those of us who take our parties with us wherever we go. That way wherever you are there’s a party going on. Another side benefit to having fun is that it’s contagious. The more fun you have,repparttar 109876 more fun everybody around you has. How many people do you know who have more fun in their lives than they can stand. They have so much fun that they’re standing in line trying to return some. I’ll venture a guess and say not many. I don’t even have that much fun! (I'm working on it though.)

Make it a goal this week to see how much fun you can generate no matter what you’re doing. You'll probably surprise yourself.

Thanks for stopping in.

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.


Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To" has been writing and publishing Articles and Newsletters online since 1999. Clyde's company EASYHow-To Publications provides "How-To" information on How-To do, be or have just about anything one can imagine. For more information visit Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to: cdennis at

How to overcome your “Obstacles”.

Written by graham and julie

Continued from page 1

How do you progress?

Kathy Sierra,repparttar well known author of bestseller Head First books, says you just need to overcome your brains “Crap Filter”. That area of your brain that stops you moving forward.

How do you do it.?

Simple. Do exactly as Hilary Swank says Stop Thinking. Exploit what your mind thinks is important…….. Your Feelings.

Instead of following a path that is run by your head and what you think you ought to do. Go with your feelings. Do what you feel is right. Don’t let your mind hold you back. Awaken your feelings. The stronger your feelings towards a particular actionrepparttar 109865 more you overcomerepparttar 109866 filter on your brain and now you have overcome your obstacle.

How do you know you haverepparttar 109867 right feeling? How do you know you are onrepparttar 109868 right path?


When you are onrepparttar 109869 correct path and doing what is right for you. You feel great. Everything appears to be in synch. You may be doing something for hours and it feels like minutes. Your face is all aglow. You are really enjoying yourself. In a nutshell you stop evaluating what you are doing and have started to do things you never thought were possible. You are performing naturally, everything is “right”.

Don’t just accept what we say. Try it. Imagine for a moment that you are Hilary Swank. You have been given this great opportunity. You haverepparttar 109870 knowledge, you have donerepparttar 109871 research. Everything that can be prepared has been prepared. Now let go of your learned thinking and let your natural talent emerge. Go on you've got nothing to lose.

You now know how to overcome your obstacle.

Good Luck.

Graham and Julie

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