Got Attitude?

Written by Kathryn Lord

Continued from page 1

That’srepparttar way it works with attitude and dating. You get a "destination" in your mind, where you are heading, and then, both consciously and unconsciously, you notice things and make choices that get you there. So it is very important, if you want success, to have success as your destination.

I am convinced, that for everyone who wants one, there is a perfect mate Out There. And, if you are looking, it is crucial for you to believe that too.

The question is where this person is, finding him or her, and how long it will take. Those arerepparttar 129946 real questions.

So can you believe? Can you adopt an attitude of bemused curiosity? Of wondering who your sweetheart will be and when and where he or she will manifest themselves? Of readying your life to accommodate sharing with another? Of hopeful expectancy? Of an opening to possibility and an acceptance of what is to come?

Just try an Attitude Adjustment and see what happens.

Kathryn Lord, Romance Coach / Helping Singles Find A Sweetheart! eBk: "Find A Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women" Purchase ebook at: Teleclasses: "Find A Sweetheart Quick Start" & "Platinum Profiles" Stay current with my complimentary enewsletter *eMAIL to eMATE* Subscribe at

5 Ways to Fight Pessimism

Written by Denni Gill

Continued from page 1

3.Support of friends and family

Friends and family are usually more than willing to provide you with a much needed reality check. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have close friends and family members to confide in though. It is detrimental to find some type of support when you are feeling extremely confused or overwhelmed. This support may have to come from a trusted co-worker or a member of a support group. Sometimes all it takes is another person’s point of view to put things into perspective.

4.Own your feelings

Accept that you have complete control over your perceptions and internal responses. You may not have control over what happened on your commute to work that upset you. But you are able to decide whether you become relieved whenrepparttar day is finally over, or frustrated, claiming you are always being dealt a bad hand.

Denni Gill is an up-and-coming Canadian poet. chronicles her own spiritual growth. Feedback may be sent to

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