Google Slavery...Old Habits Die Hard

Written by Kirk Bannerman

Continued from page 1

Having been firmly conditioned (since shortly after 1998) that Google wasrepparttar "supreme deity of search engines", I tookrepparttar 124734 highly publicized search entries of Yahoo and MSN with more than repparttar 124735 proverbial "grain of salt".

Throughout a very recent two month period, one of my websites occupiedrepparttar 124736 #5 position on Google, Yahoo, and MSN for a very popular and important (at least in my line of business) three word search term. This situation provided an opportunity to measurerepparttar 124737 current popularity of each of these three search providers.

If asked "beforerepparttar 124738 fact", I would have guessed that Google would still berepparttar 124739 overwhelming #1 search choice and that Yahoo and MSN would be distant #2 and #3 choices. Therefore, I was somewhat surprised byrepparttar 124740 results that were tabulated during this recent 60 day period.

Forrepparttar 124741 period in question,repparttar 124742 search popularity results were as follows:

Google: 34% Yahoo: 31% MSN: 20% All others: 15%

Granted,repparttar 124743 above results are for a single search term over a particular 60 day time period, butrepparttar 124744 results clearly show that Yahoo and MSN are already important players inrepparttar 124745 search business.

Webmasters that stick torepparttar 124746 old ways and focus entirely on Google are missing out on a lot of search traffic these days if they are not also well ranked by Yahoo and MSN.

Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home based business and coaches others seeking to start their own home based business. Visit his website at Legitimate Home Based Business for more details.

Marketing Tourism Online, part one: The Basics

Written by Bryan Wilson

Continued from page 1

Build awareness of a product or destination, and reshape existing perceptions;

Generate interest;

Provide information to turn interest into desire;

Transactrepparttar actual purchase or series of purchases;

Provide reassurance of a good purchase and offer preparatory information forrepparttar 124733 actual tourism experience;

Continue to provide information, shape perception, and improverepparttar 124734 experience duringrepparttar 124735 tourist's journey;

Aid and deepen memories afterrepparttar 124736 tourism experience;

Build upon your relationship to your customer, to add value for both you andrepparttar 124737 tourist; and

Encourage referrals and generate repeat business.

There are different goals to achieve and appropriate methods of communication for each of these circumstances. Adding further complexity isrepparttar 124738 fact that different people (family members, friends, co-workers, etc.) may be involved and have varying importance at different stages of one purchase decision! In conclusion

Despite these complexities, there are some basic guidelines which will help you communicate and market effectively online. The next in this series of articles presents advice for attracting visitors to your website.

(Seattle, USA; August 2004)

Bryan Wilson is a travel marketing consultant and partner in Leave Home Productions Leave Home Productions ( provides marketing services and tools to tourism-related businesses and organizations. Our clients benefit from strategies, tools, and creative concepts developed to clarify their needs, make use of their resources, and help them achieve their goals.

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