Google Flaws and Fixes

Written by Martin Winer

Continued from page 1

In another example, this time one that happens to work for me, I am also an amateur mathematician. I have a prime number theory published at: . I decided to try and list it in DMOZ, Google's open directory. Much to my suprise, one day I typed "prime twin proof" into Google and my site showed up asrepparttar #1 result! I'm an amature mathematician and I was flattered, but I quickly realized that what had happened was DMOZ is copied by every content provider underrepparttar 128102 sun in one form or another. Thus it seemed to Google as though thousands of pages were pointing to my page, indeed they were, however, they were all clones of one another.

Despite all that I've said, I like Google. The alternatives are pure rober-barons. I just hope that they address their technical and semantic issues such that we maintain an impartial 'world superpower' search engine.

My suggestion to Google? Inrepparttar 128103 Google toolbar, allow HUMANS to rank webpages by relevancy, content, etc. DMOZ (Google's open directory, already human edited) is a good first start, butrepparttar 128104 editors seem over burdened and unmotivated to add new sites quickly ( is yet to be listed after several months). Adding rating capabilities torepparttar 128105 Google toolbar, would add a vast pool of human editors torepparttar 128106 Google engine. Provided Google makesrepparttar 128107 interface quick and simple to provide ratings, people will be willing and able to help.

Martin Winer is an entrepreneur who owns and would like to see fixes made to Google to help it improve it's already great status.

New revolution on Search Engines

Written by Omair Aasim

Continued from page 1

ObjectSearch uses a cluster method in its results. In fact, OS claims to berepparttar first search engine "which cluster[s] its own search results unlike other meta search engines, which get their search results from other search engines." To accomplish this, OS uses what's known as a "Clustering Engine".

A description of OS's approach to search results and clustering appears on their about page: "one approach is to automatically group search results into thematic categories, called clusters. Assuming clusters descriptions are informative aboutrepparttar 128101 documents they contain,repparttar 128102 user spends much less time following irrelevant links."

President of Software Object, USA.

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