Google AdWords: Like Playing The Lottery

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

It'srepparttar same with Google AdWords. People who wouldn't ordinarily advertise get sucked in, because it's only five dollars to get started. But when Google charges $500 to their credit card every couple of weeks, and they haven't made any money,repparttar 120092 harsh reality ofrepparttar 120093 situation sets in. It's not nearly as easy as they thought or heard it would be.

Of course, it's easy to blame Google AdWords. However, most ofrepparttar 120094 blame has to fall onrepparttar 120095 shoulders ofrepparttar 120096 advertisers. The majority of Google AdWords advertisers, simply don't have a clue about what they're doing. They read some e-book about how to make money with Google AdWords, and instantly think they're ready to conquerrepparttar 120097 world.

It's just not that easy, people. You still have to have some fundamental knowledge of advertising, in order to succeed with Google AdWords or any type of advertising for that matter. You have to educate yourself first.

Andrepparttar 120098 best way to educate yourself is by reading "real" advertising books like "Scientific Advertising," by Claude Hopkins and "How To Write A Good Advertisement," by Victor Schwab and "Advertising Secrets Of The Written Word," by Joseph Sugarman.

Educate yourself first, and then lay down your money. That's how it works. To do otherwise, you'd be better off playingrepparttar 120099 lottery!

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

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Organic "Natural" Search Engine Optimization versus Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Advertising

Written by Matt Hockin

Continued from page 1

Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising

The biggest benefit of pay per click isrepparttar fact that it will provide you with an immediate boost of qualified visitors, lead and sales giving you fast results within just hours or days. In fact, a pay per click advertising program is your best option if you seek fast results and a good return on investment while you are waiting for your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program to "ramp up."

Depending on your traffic goals, you can budget $100 or $100,000. PPCSEs also give yourepparttar 120091 added benefits of being able to quickly test your web site and track your conversion rates (leads, opt-ins, and sales) and turning keywords (visitors) on and off easily.

So, as a short term strategy pay per click gives yourepparttar 120092 clear advantage over SEO. But,repparttar 120093 disadvantage isrepparttar 120094 cost involved. Depending onrepparttar 120095 market demand for your keywords and clicks, your PPCSE campaign can generate tons of traffic and can cost hundreds, even thousands per day. With various optimization strategies you can lower your costs, but overrepparttar 120096 long term natural search engine optimization will give you a higher return on your marketing dollar.

In Conclusion

The golden rule in marketing is that you should constantly strive for maximum results and ROI for your budget. In other words, if your marketing is making you a profit - even if it’s a thin profit - it’s worth it. By this model, pay per click is worth doing, but overall pay per click will leave you with thinner margins.

The reason for conducting a natural search engine optimization campaign is to significantly increase your margins overrepparttar 120097 long term.

Matt Hockin is President of Interactive Marketing, Inc., a small business marketing consulting company and the editor of the Interactive Marketing newsletter, one of the Internet’s leading free small business marketing newsletters. Subscribe now at

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