Good Web Design: Create A Custom 404 Error Page

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

Another useful thing that you can do is call a special CGI routine atrepparttar timerepparttar 134651 error occurs. How do you do this? Instead of modifyingrepparttar 134652 .htaccess file to reference an HTML document, make it reference a CGI routine directly (perhaps withrepparttar 134653 error code as a parameter). This routine can send an email to you (and perhaps even page you) when an error occurs. This allows you to quickly handle any errors on your web site.

Don't get too stressed out about 404 errors. Remember that no matter how well you keep up your site they will occur occasionally. Even if every single link inside your site is perfect, other people will type or coderepparttar 134654 incorrect URLs, thus causing errors. Some search engines have bugs and reference pages incorrectly and sometimesrepparttar 134655 web server itself returns bogus errors. The best script that I have found to perform this function is Error Robot, available at

Personally, I prefer using a CGI routine to send an email whenever a 404 error occurs instead of askingrepparttar 134656 visitor to send an email. This removesrepparttar 134657 burden for quality assurance from visitors and places it upon me, where it belongs.

What can you do to prevent or correct 404 errors?

- Checkrepparttar 134658 links within your site on a regular basis. Correct any references that are broken.

- If an external link, say from an article, is incorrect, you can create a redirect page to moverepparttar 134659 visitor fromrepparttar 134660 incorrect reference torepparttar 134661 correct reference. This is generally a lot easier than attempting to getrepparttar 134662 author to correctrepparttar 134663 reference.

- Check each and every 404 error that occurs and take steps to correct them.

Additional Resources The Dreaded 404 error This article tells yourepparttar 134664 meaning ofrepparttar 134665 dreaded 404 error Htaccess file - Custom error pages You can use htaccess to define custom error pages to trap 404 and other error conditions. Check your links regularly to prevent link rot Check your links regularly to prevent link rot.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: Weekly newsletter: Daily Tips:

Pass the Mystery Meat: Learning from "Web Pages that Suck"

Written by Stefene Russell

Continued from page 1

For a real trial by fire, take Vincent's tour of things that suck. These are sucky pages that Flanders put together himself, which include "pretentious front pages," "too many wrong things," going overboard with special effects, free backgrounds that suck, and bad text:

He also has a great article on "Mystery Meat Navigation" -that is, links and design that leave a user's brain addled and unable to complete a credit-card transaction. According to Flanders, recent research indicates that ""39 percent of test shoppers failed in their buying attempts because sites were too difficult to navigate." We all know that you don't want that to happen, yes? So atrepparttar very least, read this excellent and funny piece on how not to confuserepparttar 134650 daylights out of your visitors:

Flanders is alsorepparttar 134651 author of "Web Pages that Suck," which you can probably find at your friendly local independent bookstore. Though it's a good, classic text about how web sites go wrong, you'll want to visit his pages as well, because according to Vincent Flanders (and he'srepparttar 134652 man) humans with access to computers are discovering new ways 3:01 PM 3/29/01to suck even as we speak-so read up, and don't be one of them!

Stefene Russell will do a complete analysis of your site, including personalized tips on copy and design at Whether you're an e-business or a content provider, find ut how to make your site professional and effective. Read Stefene's free web site tips at Reach her at or 801-328-9006.

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