Good Cop(y), Bad Cop(y)

Written by Barry Harrison

Continued from page 1

"Open your eyesrepparttar day you arrive and believe everything you see. Our world is in constant flow and a stiff current of excitement and discovery pull you along."

"Greater Phoenix is everything from shopping in world-class boutiques to dining that’s equally up to task. It’s lodging that may ease your body, but never relents onrepparttar 108661 imagination. And without a doubt, there’s so many entertainment options, your agenda will swell withrepparttar 108662 energy of a true cosmopolitan city- tempered by years of individuality and originality."

So while a stiff current of excitement pulls you along, your agenda will swell with energy. Yeah baby!

Destination Phoenix? I don’t think so.

I’d rather curl up on my sofa with a good catalog and wrap myself in a 5-lb chocolate triple cream butter pudding guilt-free hunk of chenille. Yum.

Tips to improverepparttar 108663 copy on your site. 1. Read your copy out loud before you commit to putting it on your site. Yes, every word.

2. If your writing skills aren’t "up to task," hire a professional, or at least get somebody who can edit your text.

3. If it sounds like "BS" to you, it will sound like "BS" to your readers.

4. Less is more, especially onrepparttar 108664 web.

Barry Harrison is the author of "REDiTIPS" eMarketing Newsletter and a partner in Resolve Digital, Web Strategies for the Real World. Engaging Web design Effective Internet Marketing Essential Content Management Tools Visit his site at or

5 Questions to Discover The Perfect Home Based Business for YOU

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Continued from page 1

Our lives change allrepparttar time, but if there was something in your past that you're still passionate about, write it down now.

5) What Are You Naturally Good At?

To answer this question, you MUST ask your friends, not yourself. Whatever you already know about yourself is not going to help. Only things you never knew you were good at are going to open doors to your own home based business. So go ahead, call 10 of your best friends, and ask them "What do think I'm good at?"

Make a mental note, or write all their opinions down on your piece of paper. The key to getting this right is to NEVER question or argue about their opinion of you. Takerepparttar 108660 good withrepparttar 108661 bad, take it all. Byrepparttar 108662 time you're done with number 10, I guarantee you'll start discovering things about you that you never knew you were good at.

I found out that I'm good at teaching. I also found out that I can explain things in a simple way, and that I have patience when dealing with others. Trust me, I never knew that before I asked. It's amazing what others know about you that you don't know yourself.

The Road Becomes Clearer

When you're done with your list of allrepparttar 108663 things you love, allrepparttar 108664 things you've become an expert at, and allrepparttar 108665 things you found out you're naturally good at, have a good look at it. Does your dream home business seem a little more clear now? Do you seerepparttar 108666 begiining of an exciting journey, instead of an intimidating one?

You now have many ideas on what type of home based business you can do, and all you have to do is choose. Chooserepparttar 108667 one that you're most excited about RIGHT NOW and are eager to start RIGHT NOW.

If you rushed through this article withoutrepparttar 108668 pen and paper, without taking notes and asking yourself these questions, then let me tell yourepparttar 108669 truth:

It takes YEARS to build a steady five or six figure income from your own home based business. You can't do it in months, no matter what anyone else out there may say. The only way you're going to get throughrepparttar 108670 initial "make-or-break" years is if you're doing something close to your heart. Something that will seem like fun, not hard work.

Seekrepparttar 108671 truth, forrepparttar 108672 truth shall set you free, and show you where you want to go. If you don't know where you want to go, it's no secret that you'll never get there.

Gobala Krishnan is a member and writer for the International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs, the online university for home based business, at and owner of the Six Figure Income Dream Team website at

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