Golf Grub

Written by William Breland

Continued from page 1


Hydration is an imperative component inrepparttar successful golfers game. Consuming adequate fluids before, during and after playing golf is beneficial. Even a slight decrease in bodyweight due to dehydration can affect your performance and result in fatigue & mental dullness. Consume approximately 8 oz of fluid before tee time. While golfing consume 4-8 oz of fluid every15-20 minutes or at every hole. If celebrating with alcoholic beverages is planned atrepparttar 112959 19th hole, alternate fluid (nonalcoholic) with alcoholic drinks. Alcohol acts as a diuretic and actually increases fluid loss, so it is not a good choice forrepparttar 112960 replacement of fluids lost duringrepparttar 112961 round of golf.

To help your performance try these nutrition tips as you eat for “peak performance!”


1 cup oatmeal 1 banana or 1 cup orange juice 1 cup skim milk or 1 cup nonfat yogurt 2 slices whole-wheat toast 2 teaspoons margarine AFTER THE 9TH HOLE

12 ounces Sports Drink 2 tablespoons peanut butter and crackers or 1 piece of fruit or 1 granola or cereal bar POST GAME

Don’t forget to re-hydrate as mentioned above! 3-4 ounces grilled chicken breast 1 cup brown rice 1 cup steamed broccoli 1 cup mixed greens salad 2 teaspoons low fat dressing 1 cup fruit salad These are just a few tips to jump start proper fueling as an important and integral part of your training program. Each athlete is unique and has different training schedules, food preferences, lifestyle factors, and weight concerns. For a more individualized assessment and recommendations for your needs submit a rquest at:

William Breland has been a Physical Therapist for over 25 years. He is the ONLY Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Sports Therapy and Touring Golf Professional in the United States.

Stabilizing the Core to Eliminate Low-Back Pain

Written by Rich Lauro

Continued from page 1

In order to activaterepparttar TVA muscle fibers or any other muscle for that matter, a weak muscle must first be "jump started" using MAT Therapy or by using isometric exercises before you can strengthen it through exercise. If a weak muscle is not first jump started, thenrepparttar 112958 body is forced to compensate and use other muscles to performrepparttar 112959 desired movement.

Isometric exercises solve several problems that Rehab programs and weight lifting activities do not solve:

Problem #1: A weak muscle will not contract with most strengthening exercises because dominant muscles will compensate for weak muscles.

Problem #2: Whenrepparttar 112960 body senses instability inrepparttar 112961 joint, it will tighten up to protectrepparttar 112962 joint. Stretching a tight muscle will only create a temporary release and could result in a more vulnerable joint.

Problem #3: Muscle imbalances may occur through repetitive use ofrepparttar 112963 same muscle, or through injury, causingrepparttar 112964 body to go into "protective" mode.

When performing isometric exercise contractions,repparttar 112965 contraction should be held for 6 seconds and repeated 6 times. This allows time for peek tension to develop and metabolic changes to occur inrepparttar 112966 muscle. The muscle should be placed in its shorthend position. In this positionrepparttar 112967 muscle is at its weakest. The intensity of each isometric contraction should increase. Byrepparttar 112968 6th contraction, greater range of motion and neural input should occur. For more information on isometric exercises visit

Exercises forrepparttar 112969 TVA

· This exercise is critical in re-estabilishing good communication betweenrepparttar 112970 brain andrepparttar 112971 key stabilizer muscles (TVA). Progressing to advanced abdominal exercises when your body is not prepared will only magnify muscular imbalances that can cause injury and pain.

· Lie on your back and cross your left leg over right leg. Your left heel should be next torepparttar 112972 right knee. Rotate right approx 30 degrees your left hip will come offrepparttar 112973 ground several inches. Push knee intorepparttar 112974 ball or wall 6 times for 6 seconds. Start lightly and increase pressure each time. If you feel cramping inrepparttar 112975 inner thigh you are pressing too hard. This exercise will activaterepparttar 112976 TVA and should be followed up by regular abdominal exercises.

To learn more about MAT Techniques and how to prevent and recover faster from your sports injury Visit or call 540-840-3208 to get your FREE REPORT "The Secret To Eliminating Muscle and Joint Pain".

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