Gogle Search Engine - Analyzing the Misspelling Strategy

Written by Alec Duncan

Continued from page 1

Finding Common Misspellings It is pretty easy to come up with misspellings for your targeted keywords, however, incorporating them into your content may not be as easy. With a little imagination you can come up with several methods to keep your content legitimate for your users andrepparttar search engines.

Usingrepparttar 127930 Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool and Google Search Results you can decide which misspellings getrepparttar 127931 most searches and which are highly competitive hence which ones would be worth your while to optimize for.

Here’s how you do it. Userepparttar 127932 Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool to see how many searches there are forrepparttar 127933 misspelling. If this number is satisfactory for you then do a Gogle Search forrepparttar 127934 misspelling and see how many results Gogle has for this keyword. If this number is too high then there may be too much competition for this keyword and you might want to try another.

Summary People will always make mistakes and these will include misspellings. If you can reach out further to your target market by incorporating words that they may misspell to find your site, in a tasteful manner, then gearing pages of your website for misspellings should be considered when optimizing your website.

Alec Duncan is the founder of LilEngine.com a Search Engine Optimization resource site. Visit Li'l Engine for search engine optimization tools and strategies and also check out Developer Tutorials for web development techniques and strategies.

All About Links -- Interview with link building expert , Bob Gladstein

Written by Julia Hyde

Continued from page 1

Julia: What would you say to Web site owners who are reluctant to use links because they think it will take people away from their site?

Bob: For one thing, a Web site without any off-site links is a dead end, and there is some evidence to suggest that search engines view sites that don’t link out as being less valuable.

Unless you’re willing to pay, you may have a hard time convincing people to link to you if you’re not planning on linking back to them. But it’s still possible, especially if you’ve got content that’s so good people will want to link to you anyway, but it’s definitely harder to get one-way links than reciprocal ones. I’m not suggesting that people link directly to their competitors. The idea is to link to sites that complementrepparttar content that you’re providing. By doing so, you’re contributing torepparttar 127929 impression that your site is an authority on your theme: not only do you have great information, but you have links to other sources of information. That’s another reason for people to come back to your site more often. And if you’re still worried about sending people away from your site and never seeing them again, you can set your off-site links to open in a new window, by adding target=”_blank” torepparttar 127930 code forrepparttar 127931 link. If you do this, however, it’s a good idea for usability purposes to let people know thatrepparttar 127932 link will open in a new window. Otherwise, people who have their browser windows maximized may not realize what’s happened, and should they try to get back to your site by hitting their back button they’re likely to be confused when it fails to take them anywhere.

Julia: We often hearrepparttar 127933 term "Anchor text". Can your explain what this means and why it's important?

Bob: Anchor text isrepparttar 127934 part of a text link that’s visible onrepparttar 127935 page. On a Web page, that would look like this: :Search Engine Marketing and Copywriting Services ”Search Engine Marketing and Copywriting Services” isrepparttar 127936 anchor text. What’s important about it is that it tells bothrepparttar 127937 user andrepparttar 127938 search engine spider whatrepparttar 127939 pagerepparttar 127940 link points to is about. In a search engine optimization project, getting links to your site that use your keywords inrepparttar 127941 anchor text helps to get your page to rank higher for those keywords. That’s why it’s important to have something other than “click here” as anchor text.The power of anchor text can be seen byrepparttar 127942 example ofrepparttar 127943 practice of “Googlebombing,” in which numerous sites will link to a particular page usingrepparttar 127944 same anchor text. If enough sites do it, Google will rank that page atrepparttar 127945 top of its listings for searches on that text. George W. Bush’ biography page onrepparttar 127946 site ofrepparttar 127947 White House is still number one in Google forrepparttar 127948 query “miserable failure” about half a year after that particular Googlebomb was created. Whether or not you personally agree that those words do a good job of describing Mr. Bush, Google accepts what it sees asrepparttar 127949 opinion ofrepparttar 127950 general online community. If enough pages tell Google that miserable failure George W. Bush, then as far as Google is concerned, it must be true.

Julia: Another thing we hear a lot about is Pagerank™—a tool webmasters often use to determine whether a site is worth linking to or not. What does this mean?

Bob: PageRank (not to be confused with “page rank”) is a part of Google’s algorithm for ranking pages. There are numerous theories as to how it’s calculated, but only Google knows for certain. In any case, that’s not important to this discussion. What matters is that PageRank is a measure ofrepparttar 127951 value of a page based onrepparttar 127952 links pointing to it,repparttar 127953 value ofrepparttar 127954 pages on which those links reside,andrepparttar 127955 number of other links that are on those pages. It’s strictly numerical, and has absolutely nothing to do with relevance or value torepparttar 127956 reader. In other words, if I have a page about Shakespeare, and I link to two pages, one about Shakespeare, andrepparttar 127957 other aboutrepparttar 127958 care and feeding of parakeets,repparttar 127959 same amount of PageRank will be passed to both of those pages. The fact that one of those pages is aboutrepparttar 127960 same subject as my page does not enter intorepparttar 127961 calculation.

You can see an estimation ofrepparttar 127962 PageRank of a given page if you haverepparttar 127963 Google toolbar installed. But it’s important to keep in mind that PageRank is not everything, nor is itrepparttar 127964 most important thing. It’s one of many factors Google takes into account when it ranks pages for queries, and it’s not at all uncommon to see that a site that ranks onrepparttar 127965 top of a SERP (search engine results page) has a lower PageRank thanrepparttar 127966 pages below it onrepparttar 127967 SERP.

One ofrepparttar 127968 reasons people believe that PageRank is important is that if you do a backlink check in Google by typing “link:www.site.com” inrepparttar 127969 search box, you’ll generally (but not absolutely) only see pages that link torepparttar 127970 URL in question and have a PageRank of 4/10 or higher. People have taken this to mean that a link from a page with a lower PR doesn’t count, and that simply isn’t true. It’s true that, all other things being equal,repparttar 127971 higherrepparttar 127972 PR of a page linking to yours,repparttar 127973 more PR it’s going to pass to your page, but as I said, PR is just one aspect of Google’s algorithm, and every link apart fromrepparttar 127974 troublesome ones we spoke of earlier has some value.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that a page that shows a PR of 2/10 inrepparttar 127975 toolbar today may have a 5/10 or 6/10 a few months from now.When I’m looking for sites from which I may wish to request links,repparttar 127976 only time what I see inrepparttar 127977 toolbar matters to me is when I see that it has no PageRank at all. Assumingrepparttar 127978 site isn’t new, that can sometimes be an indication thatrepparttar 127979 site has done something which caused Google to demote it. That is, it may be what Google refers to as a “bad neighborhood,” and as such, you should be extra careful in checking it out before you agree to link back to it.

Julia: Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, Bob! I hope you all will check out Bob's site at: for more information about his company.

Julia is an independent copywriter and consultant specializing in search engine marketing and copywriting, direct mail, print advertising and other marketing materials businesses need to increase sales. Learn more about how Julia can help boost your profits by visiting www.juliahyde.com. Or email info@juliahyde.com. She'll get back to you right away.

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