God Wants to Heal You!

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Continued from page 1

Also, they said I could expect to be sorerepparttar next day, as my bones were not use to being in right alignment and I would need to command my own body into place, whenever it would slip out of alignment again. Though, by this point, I did not want to do battle with Satan ever again ~ no more battles! No ........ !!! The battle belongs torepparttar 130600 Lord. What God does is a done deal!

Only, my hip hasn't been so cooperative and it was another area not evenrepparttar 130601 Chiropractor could budge. So, I'd wait until I'd had enough of limping andrepparttar 130602 pain it caused, then ask someone to pray over it again and again.

I know that it is God doingrepparttar 130603 healing and I've witnessed Him using others to accomplish this purpose. Also, I am not a bit afraid of demons. We know each other quite well. But, what I had begun to doubt was that I would be able to do this type of healing, too (God, through me, of course).

Comments would be made like, "You don't have to haverepparttar 130604 gift of healing to do this." "When you learn how, you can do this for yourself." Learn how? I had already been listening for God, asked a few questions, and finally have an answer to share.

Of allrepparttar 130605 types of healing there are, this one isrepparttar 130606 easiest and most pain free method of healing we can do for ourselves. Faith isrepparttar 130607 hardest thing to give, in complete surrender, but takesrepparttar 130608 least amount of effort in accomplishing ... no battle at all! Yea! And, you can do it, too!

Scoot your buttock torepparttar 130609 back of a straight chair. Lift your legs slightly, then just gently hold them. Do you notice a slight vibration? Keep your legs lifted untilrepparttar 130610 vibration stops. That vibration is God moving your hips into right alignment.

Now, stand up and reach toward heaven. Lift holy hands, stretch just a little, reach for God. Feelrepparttar 130611 vibration? Envision God taking impurities from your body (feeling them leave through your finger tips), putting your body into alignment where your blood will flow correctly, removingrepparttar 130612 Satanic forces that cause you to not be well, healingrepparttar 130613 inward parts. Whenrepparttar 130614 vibration stops, just Praiserepparttar 130615 Lord!

If you can't lift your arms, but only your hands, turn them upward. If you can only move your toes, lift them upward. If you know how to put parts of your body into place on your own, go for it. Just know that wherever you are, and however many times a day you getrepparttar 130616 urge to do so, until Satanic forces getrepparttar 130617 message, just do it. God wants to heal you!

Then, as we start believing God is who He says He is, He'll show us more! And, just to think ~ what all we might accomplish if our spiritual body were in right alignment, too! I want to receive some praise reports!

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preachingrepparttar 130618 gospel ofrepparttar 130619 kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease amongrepparttar 130620 people. Matthew 4:23

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me,repparttar 130621 works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12

© 2003 by Joyce C. Lock

In addition to being a published author and poet, Joyce C. Lock created the religion column, "Christianity Made Simple" for Peru Daily Tribune, continues to write inspirational articles for area newspapers, and shares further in online and e-mail ministries.

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

Continued from page 1

4. Schedule time to work on specific projects.

You leave most meetings with something to do, right? Give yourself time to work on these things by scheduling work-time in your calendar. Otherwise, it will be 6pm and you get to start 'working'.

5. Pick a corner.

Divide your desk or room into sections. Pick one section and start de-cluttering. Try to touch things only once while going through this process. Use 3 boxes or bags, marking them as follows: 'Keep', 'Give Away'; and 'Toss'. If it's paper, ask yourself 'If I lost it, could I find it elsewhere?' Ifrepparttar answer is yes, throw it away. Where ever possible, come up with a system that will allow you to maintainrepparttar 130598 de-cluttered space. [Another tip: if you find yourself having trouble parting with some items, put them in a box, labelrepparttar 130599 box with a date 6 months from now, store in garage or closet. If you haven't gone intorepparttar 130600 box byrepparttar 130601 timerepparttar 130602 date rolls around, throw it away without opening it.]

6. Delegate.

Stop trying to do everything yourself. Ask yourself 'Where is it important that I spend my time? How do I want to spend my time?' Get rid of everything else. This includes things like getting someone to cleanrepparttar 130603 house, using automatic bill-paying systems, etc. If you are delegating to a work associate or family member, be sure to delegate repparttar 130604 whole thing (how to do it as well as what to do.) If it can only be done 'your way', then you will berepparttar 130605 only one who can do it.

7. Automate.

If you have to do anything on a regular schedule, develop a system that is easily repeatable. Userepparttar 130606 tools that make repparttar 130607 most sense forrepparttar 130608 job. This ranges from using templates for written documents to cleaningrepparttar 130609 house in a specific pattern. Find out what works for you and then make it better (and faster!).

8. Buy in Bulk.

Buy 6-month supplies of things you use on a daily basis. And to simplify even more, order them throughrepparttar 130610 web and have them delivered to your house! We spend an inordinate amount of time running 'errands'. Keeping large supplies on hand is a great way to pick up some extra time.

9. Get rid of old commitments or goals.

Sometimes we find ourselves doing things or hanging on to goals that were right at one point in our life, but no longer fit who we are now. Stop to think about every thing you're doing or working towards. Does it still fit your life today? If not, stop doing it or get rid of it as a goal.

10. You get to chooserepparttar 130611 pace.

Whether you pick 'Fast & Furious' or 'Slow & Easy',the important thing is to keep working on simplifying your life and finding ways to keep it simple. Let yourself have fun and be creative with this.

(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to accept total support). Find many free resources to assist you in living the life of your dreams at http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com

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