Goals Galore!

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

You can also put down in more detail what has to be done in each time block.

This is a typical day of mine, however all of our schedules are different. You have to organize your daily goals to best fit your schedule. This can help you get more work done and be less overwhelmed. I used to start my day knowing I had to do this and that and then some more and I wouldn't know where to start and I just felt lost. Writing down and scheduling my daily goals has really helped me get more work done.

You should also write down your weekly and monthly goals inrepparttar same manner. Check on these periodically to see if you are doing what needs to be done. One word of advice, use these as a guide and do not beat yourself up if you do not make them exactly as you have written. Some goals may take a little longer to attain than what you think. Organization isrepparttar 117881 key to getting more work done and feeling more in control of your goals.

For more information on attaining your goals and organizing your time visit these sites: http://www.win-winresourcecenter.com/lookherfordi1.html http://www.topachievement.com/ http://www.mindtools.com/pggoalef.html http://www.iss.stthomas.edu/studyguides/scheduling.htm http://www.findyourdream.com/Network_Marketing/settinggoals.htm http://www.organizing-solutions.net/

With a little time and organization, you can reach all your goals!

Terri Seymour owns and operates MyOwnEzine.com MyOwnEzine.com is a website, ezine and service which provides the resources, tools, guidance and more to help you start, publish and promote your own ezine. You can contact Terri at mailto:ter02@newnorth.net Subscribe at mailto:subscribe@myownezine.com or visit http://www.myownezine.com for lots more info.

Missing Profits By 12 Inches

Written by Robert Holladay

Continued from page 1

You've got to believe that you WILL succeed. That nothing can stop YOU except YOU. I don't know what it is exactly but there is just an attitude that true leaders have, that ATTRACTS people to them. I guess it's that true leaders have a sense of direction. They know where they are going and also because they see themselves SUCCESSFUL onrepparttar inside. Deep down in their heart they know they WILL NOT FAIL !!

Those that most likely won't succeed are those that complain, gripe and see themselves asrepparttar 117880 underdog . They haverepparttar 117881 attitude that everyone is out to get them and that they are always going to be on bottom while watching others rise torepparttar 117882 top !! It's because of this attitude in their heart that they MISS PROFITS BY 12 INCHES.

You must realize, that you can have mental knowledge of what to do. You can have allrepparttar 117883 right tools, websites, etc.... but until it gets from your HEAD to your HEART....which is about 12 inches, you will always be a FOOT away from profit.

Robert Holladay is an International Internet Marketing Trainer, and publishes the International newsletter MegaRiches $uccess Today. To find out about the company Robert has chosen to devote as close to 100% of his time as possible. Go to: There is an advertising bonus for joining this great community!

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