Glass Sinks - 4 Unbreakable Rules of Buying a Glass Vessel Sink

Written by Valerie Mason

Continued from page 1

A guest bathroom or power room is well-suited for these sinks. You’ll be able express your style while impressing your neighbors, friends and family. And who doesn’t like to be respected for their exquisite taste? Most importantly, there will be less traffic and less worry.

If you have a large family, a family with young children or one bathroom and wantrepparttar look of these glass sinks but realize that glass might not berepparttar 148159 best option, then consider a porcelain or copper vessel sink.

4. Know your budget Prices can start as low as $50 to as high as $10,000. There could be many reasons forrepparttar 148160 difference in pricing. Glass sinks can be factory made or custom made, blown glass or fused glass, single layer or double layered glass.

Custom made and/or blown glass sinks are more expensive due torepparttar 148161 time and expertise involved in creating them. With custom made sinks, you’ll communicate one-on-one withrepparttar 148162 artist of your sink and you’ll receive expert knowledge about its creation and special maintenance requirements. The best part: no one else will ever have a sink exactly like yours. This comes with an upscale price of $1,000 or more.

Considerrepparttar 148163 sink’s quality. Whether quality, customer service or knowledge, sometimes you get what you pay for. Be careful of sinks that start at rock bottom prices. They sometimes come without warranties,repparttar 148164 sellers are not knowledgeable aboutrepparttar 148165 sinks and they’re simply quantity discounters and have nothing more to offer than just a low price.

Buying a glass sink is simple when you plan properly and know your limitations. With these 4 Rules, you'll be 4 steps closer to establishingrepparttar 148166 bath of your dreams and needs.

Valerie Mason is a home renovation enthusiastic, and she excitedly shares her knowledge and passion about glass sinks at her website To find out the #1 reason for glass sink breakage and how to prevent your vanity sink from making you sick, go to

Make Simple Curtains and Valance for any Window

Written by Robin Hall

Continued from page 1

Time to markrepparttar fabric and cut! Your material is now laid out (not many wrinkles). You’ll want to get an even line acrossrepparttar 147965 top using your yardstick. Mark a straight line with a pencil alongrepparttar 147966 top (if darker material a pen will work or even chalk if you have it). Eyeball it to make sure it looks even, sometimesrepparttar 147967 fabric store will not cut it even so it’s up to you. This will be your starting reference point (this will be a cutting line for you). Get your calculations forrepparttar 147968 length for each: valance and curtain. Now measure from that straight line down for valance length needed, do this twice because it needs to be doubled for fullness (unless 60” width fabric). Make a mark. Dorepparttar 147969 same halfway across and onrepparttar 147970 folded edge. Now put your yardstick across from mark to mark and draw a line (this will also be a cutting line). Dorepparttar 147971 same for curtains. Each curtain side gets its own length (unless 60” width fabric). Grab a couple of pins and pin just insiderepparttar 147972 edges and lines of each section you marked. Cut along lines. You should now have 4 pieces cut, 2 forrepparttar 147973 valance and 2 for each curtain side. Once again were going to mark, this time onrepparttar 147974 right side of fabric. Open up your pieces, right side of fabric up, lay them out straight, using a pencil, lightly mark 3” down from straight top on each piece, make several marks across. Use yardstick to connect marks to make a straight line. Dorepparttar 147975 same onrepparttar 147976 bottom, 4” up from straight edge. Mark 1” in on both side edges of each piece. Mark all pieces. Make sure all marks are lightly placed on outside of fabric, but dark enough so you can see them. Sew two valance pieces together. Press seam flat. Sew outside edges of all pieces turning under ½” twice (will be 1” all together, pencil line should be on outside edges), press & stitch along inside folded under edge. Press up hems to inside of material along all marked lines. Fold them under ½ of width and press again. Stitch along that folded edge on inside. Holding fabric as you stitch to make sure fabric doesn’t bunch up. You should have a 2” bottom hem for each piece and a 1½” hem for top hem to slide curtain rods through. Make sure to backstitch when you begin sewing and atrepparttar 147977 end to reinforce stitching from coming out. Voila’, there you have it! This process should only take about 1½ hours. Put your rods throughrepparttar 147978 top hems of curtains. Put up valance and curtains.

About the Author: Robin Hall has been a successful Tailor with over 30 years in business. She has sewn everything including home décor items. She has just started an online home décor store where you will find great products including great tips on decorating and home improvement. Stop by and see us/her at or send email with questions to

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