Giving the Perfect Gift, aka Market Research

Written by Nina Ham

Continued from page 1

Here’s where Julie got creative on her own behalf. She recognized she needed to rethink how she was going to package her services and whom she was trying to reach. She also realized that people, her prospective clients, might talk more freely and willingly about their vision for their businesses and their challenges when they weren’t talking directly to a potential vendor. So she called together several friends who were in related businesses and designed some questions she needed answers to. Here they are, along withrepparttar underlying principle that can be applied to any market niche:

What technology would help you save time and do more of what you enjoy? (speaking torepparttar 120166 universal desire to work less for more reward)

What technical problem(s) drive you crazy and what would you pay to be rid of them? (speaking torepparttar 120167 emotional side of being in business)

What’s your budget for technical upgrades and support? is it covering your needs? (assessing financial viability)

These questions can easily be modified to lead you torepparttar 120168 relevant information for your particular business idea. By committing yourself to genuine conversations with potential clients that explore what it’s like to be in their shoes –their dreams, their needs and challenges – you can tap your natural empathy, curiosity, and intuitive listening and put a friendly face on market research, bringing real value to yourself andrepparttar 120169 other person.

In closing, let’s look atrepparttar 120170 four principles of gift-giving as they apply to exploring markets for your business idea. 1. Have a spirit of inquiry aboutrepparttar 120171 other person. Remember you’re inquiring about level of interest in your idea. You’re not trying to sell or convince anyone of its merits. 2. The best gift (or service) is one that improvesrepparttar 120172 overall quality of life. You can move beyond simply fixing a problem by looking forrepparttar 120173 bigger picture (for instance, a fitness consultant who understands her client’s exercise preferences and lifestyle stress points in designing a workout routine) or offering stepped up service (showing genuine interest inrepparttar 120174 client’s success). 3. They know best! Whether or not you think you know what your potential clients’ needs or goals are is irrelevant. 4. You undoubtedly have more than one gift (business idea) in you. Don’t get overly attached to this one!

Good luck, and happy gift giving!

Nina Ham is an internationally certified women’s business coach and a licensed psychotherapist. Her company, Success from the Inside Out, offers teleclasses for creating sustainable business success and has an upcoming teleclass on Defining Your Niche for coaches, consultants and therapists. Visit her website at and subscribe to her E-zine.

Sizzling Offers That Sell Like Crazy

Written by Robert Kleine

Continued from page 1

6. You could reward your potential customers if they spend over a specific dollar amount. Tell them if they spend over $100, they get a 10% discount.

7. You could hold a holiday sale for your potential customers. Tell them everything on your web site is discounted up to 50% on Thanksgiving Day.

8. You could hold a buy one get one free sale for your potential customers. Tell them if they buy one product, they get another product for free atrepparttar same value.

9. You could hold a special $1 sale for your potential customers. They'll come to your web site to buy your product for only a dollar, but may buy other products.

10. You could offer your potential customers a bonus coupon when they buy one of your products. It could be a coupon for another product you sell.

Robert Kleine is the owner and webmaster of OpportunityKnoxx where you will find thousands of free webmaster resources, free ebooks and software.

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