Give Yourself Permission

Written by Dave Balch

Continued from page 1

I didn't get much done, but it doesn't matter; I did what was most important atrepparttar time. After all, my country was under attack. Members of my American "family" were lost. Others were heroes. The coverage ofrepparttar 101852 events and all ofrepparttar 101853 incredible ramifications was nothing short of amazing. It was a monumental moment of history, and I know I didrepparttar 101854 right thing. If I had been in New York, I would have been out ofrepparttar 101855 house (or apartment) doing SOMETHING to help SOMEBODY who was more directly affected than I.

In reading what I just wrote, it sounds like I feel guilty doesn't it? Well, I do a little because I, like most entrepreneurs, have a strong work ethic. Onrepparttar 101856 other hand, we also need to strike a balance between our work and other priorities.

I'm in great pain because of what I saw and heard, but in retrospect I really had no choice. It was simply not possible for me to ignore what was happening so that I could "get some work done".

If it's a really important distraction, give yourself permission. After all, some things are just more important than a few hours of work.

"Make More Money and Have More Fun" with your small business! Dave will show you how with his FREE newsletter, or his FREE 'Min-E-Seminar': "Secrets of an Actual $5 Million Home Business." Visit to sign-up, for information on speaking services, or for copies of past articles and newsletters. Comments and/or questions are always welcome at 1-800-366-2347 or

Be Afraid

Written by Dave Balch

Continued from page 1

2. Not trying at all. Sometimes fearful people won't even try. If it's something new, forget it! How can you getrepparttar best out of yourself and others if you don't even try? And how can you innovate if you don't try new things?

3. Anger. When your fear manifests itself as anger, very bad things happen. You alienate your family, friends, and employees. And, you become unpleasant to be around, which is a good way to lose customers.

4. Overcompensation. Instead of getting angry, some people overcompensate. By that I mean that they are so afraid that they will make a mistake that they will go overboard to make sure that they don't, wasting time, money, and other resources.

So what'srepparttar 101851 cure? Self-confidence. That's easy to say but hard to get. The good news is that books and tapes are out there that will help you. Find them. Study them.

Constantly remind yourself that nothing worthwhile happens without some failure alongrepparttar 101852 way. If you're not making mistakes, you're not trying hard enough. Besides, you can never completely fail because, in your attempt, you succeeded in overcomingrepparttar 101853 fear of failing.

If you have to be afraid of something, be afraid of being afraid. Nothing will kill your dream faster.

"Make More Money and Have More Fun" with your small business! Dave will show you how with his FREE newsletter, "Big Bucks in a Bathrobe" sent by e-mail. Visit to sign-up, for information on speaking services, or for copies of past articles and newsletters. Comments and/or questions are always welcome at 1-800-366-2347 or

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