Continued from page 1
Keeping all this in mind, what types of things will induce those people into your web-site?
First, and formost is "INFORMATION" There is not one of us that isn't looking for more "information"!
1. How do I make a web-site? 2. How do I write an ad that "really" works? 3. What is an auto-responder? And why do I need one? 4. Where do I go to place my ads? 5. Where do I find news groups? And how do I post to them? 6. What am I doing here and why did I think I could make $$$ on
Internet? ( just added that to see if you were paying attention!)
Another great traffic generator is to offer Resources and tools
This type of freebie can bring visiters coming back to your site again and again!
This is where working together can be of great benifit! Take for example 10 or 12 of you join forces and you each produce a quality resource for your site. It could be just about anything, take for example a site that offers
ability to search
internet in different languages and one of your networking partners produces one that gives out Awards for "COOL" or interesting sites. And a third has a resource that allows you to access 1000's of graphic's, html, java script and banner resources from 1 location.
By joining forces, and linking all of your sites together, ( possibly with a resource's button panel, at
bottom of each of your pages) you now have a dozen different things that you can promote to draw traffic to your site, and you only had to spend
time and effort to produce one quality resource. The traffic flows through all 24 sites. Remember to put
resource link at
bottom of your site so your visitors have an opportunity to view
page before clicking on
resource ( don't hide it, make it obvious and prominent)
You now have
ability to advertise 1 site in 12 different manners, in escence giving you 13 different sites. 13? you say, yes, 13. You have your original site,
one you built with your quality resource and
11 others built by your partners, WALLA 13 different ways to draw traffic to your site.
Here are 3 examples of what I mean! 1.Looking for a business on
Internet? I have one for you! But First how about a "FREE" web site to run it out of!
2. Ready to do business on
WWW? Come in and look around! While your there Pick-up Our "FREE" Gift to you a $10.00 Calling Card!
3.Opportunities abound on
WEB! Take a short tour, and before you leave PICK-UP
next 4 issues of a fresh ideas Ezine "FREE"!
Ok! I think I've made my point. As much as I would like to keep blabbering I'll shut up now and let you digest all of
above words ( opp's I was going to say of wisdom, but I guess you'll be
judge of that).
"Your Success Is Our Success"

[ jim Peters is Manager of NSI "SOLUTIONS". NSI specializes in custom website design,promotion, maintenance, domain registration ,site hosting ,site and graphic design, as well as e-commerce packages for small to medium sized companies. In other words "SOLUTIONS".]