Getting ideas that sell

Written by Angela Booth

Continued from page 1

For example, let's say that in your day job, you're a nutritionist. You know that diet is a perennially popular topic. You advise dieters on how to eat, and you've garnered a lot of experience in how and why people put on weight, and ways that they can safely dumprepparttar lard.

You decide that you need to learn what people really want to know. So you subscribe to a few discussion groups, and after you've readrepparttar 129360 postings for a few weeks, and have posted responses to some questions, you ask your own questions.

Be straightforward about this. Just admit that you're doing research, and ask for help. Post a questionnaire for people to fill in. (Assure them that their privacy will be respected.)

After a month of this, you'll get ideas for products (articles, books) that will sell.

==> The sure-fire formula for winning, instantly saleable ideas: combine entertainment and information

You need to be clear about what you're selling. With non- fiction, you're selling information. With fiction, you're selling entertainment.

The best way to sell either fiction or non-fiction is to combine both in your writing.

Mix a dash of entertainment with your information. That is, when you're writing an information product, an article or a book, even though it's non-fiction, don't be dull. Check outrepparttar 129361 wildly popular For Dummies series of books: good information, delivered with an entertaining style.

Onrepparttar 129362 other hand, if you're writing fiction, ground it in real life with good information. I'm a fan of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Definitely fiction, but Ms Gabaldon grounds her time-travel historical novels in their era with fascinating facts that makerepparttar 129363 unbelievable plots credible.

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==> Writers: Turn Your Talent Into Dollars <==

Transform your talent into a flourishing business. Subscribe to Creative Small Biz,repparttar 129364 free weekly ezine for creatives. Free e- courses to improve your skills. Visit:

Australian author, journalist and copywriter Angela Booth has been writing professionally for over twenty years. She writes business books and copy for businesses.

Get an attitude about your writing

Written by Angela Booth

Continued from page 1

The magazine has lots of advertising. By callingrepparttar advertising department, and having their advertising rates faxed to you, you see that they're charging $10,000 for a full page ad. You've read that their usual contributor rates are around fifty cents a word.

You're offered 40 cents a word. You haggle, and you andrepparttar 129358 editor establish that this is 40 cents forrepparttar 129359 complete 1000 words, even ifrepparttar 129360 magazine cutsrepparttar 129361 piece right down. Why did you agree?

Firstly, you want to break into this magazine. Secondly, you've done a lot ofrepparttar 129362 research, andrepparttar 129363 article will be easy to write. Thirdly, you needrepparttar 129364 money, and you've heard that this magazine pays within fourteen days of receivingrepparttar 129365 invoice.

Onrepparttar 129366 other hand, let's say that you've written for this magazine before. You've written three features which were well received. You've been getting a dollar a word. For this plastic surgery story,repparttar 129367 editor tells you they've had budget cuts, and she can only afford to give you 50 cents a word.

You thank her for her time, and tell her that although you can't afford to dorepparttar 129368 story for that rate, you look forward to working with her again.

So getting an attitude means being armed with knowledge. You know how long and how much effort it will take you to dorepparttar 129369 work, and whatrepparttar 129370 client can pay. You know what kind of deal you're happy with, and what you'll walk away from.

Want another example?

Let's say you're a sub-contractor occasionally working with a graphics design business. They send you an eight page brochure, and ask for a quote to copyedit it.

You readrepparttar 129371 copy-heavy brochure, and it's a mess. You estimate it will take you eight hours to dorepparttar 129372 work.

They get back to you --- eight hours seems too long. Are you sure it will take you eight hours?

You reply that it will, but if you finish in seven hours, you will only charge them for seven hours. Onrepparttar 129373 other hand, if it takes you nine hours, you'll only charge them for eight.

You getrepparttar 129374 job.

Get an attitude about your work. Know your markets, and stand up for yourself. Not only will you be happier, but you'll also make more money from your writing.

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Discover how to transform your talent into a flourishing business. Subscribe to Creative Small Biz,repparttar 129375 free weekly ezine. Visit:

Australian author, journalist and copywriter Angela Booth has been writing professionally for over twenty years. She writes business books and copy for businesses.

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