Getting Started

Written by Chuck and Sue DeFiore

Continued from page 1

And when there are bumps inrepparttar road, and believe us, there will be, ask for help, don't just give up. If you just give up, you'll never know what you could have accomplished. Think ofrepparttar 117682 bumps as challenges, and learn fromrepparttar 117683 bumps rather than just giving up. Nothing comes easy. You are not going to be a millionaire by next week (unless you winrepparttar 117684 lottery), it is not going to work on auto pilot, you need to stoke it and help it grow.

So start planning and doing today. Let this year be a new beginning for you. If you feel you can't do it on your own, check out our Partnering For Your Success program.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2001

Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and they can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses.

Realization of Dreams

Written by Chuck and Sue DeFiore

Continued from page 1

Your dream might be to run your own business. However, before you can do that you have to become proficient in that area. In order to become proficient, you may have to take classes or work a job related torepparttar business you want to run, to gain insight. Any other number of things might have to occur before you realize that dream.

While we all have our strong areas, and things that we are good at, they don't always mesh with what our dreams are. The skills you need to realize your dreams can be learned, but only if you ask for help. So, ifrepparttar 117681 reason your dreams are not being realized is lack of skills, ask someone for help. You won't know if you are good or bad at something until you try. Yes, sometimes you might have to put aside certain dreams for others, however, that is part ofrepparttar 117682 life process.

One ofrepparttar 117683 best ways to move yourself towardrepparttar 117684 realization of your dreams is to visualize yourself doing what your dream is about. If it is retirement, visualize yourself during a typical day of your retirement. Visualizerepparttar 117685 home you live in, getting up, visualize your daily routine.

So, to realize your dreams, remember your destiny is based on what dreams you have for yourself, and you control that destiny.

Copyright 2001, DeFiore Enterprises.

Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 17 years, and they can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses.

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