Getting Into Business: Don’t Start It! Buy It!!

Written by Russell L. Brown

Continued from page 1

There are many other issues associated with valuing a business which are beyondrepparttar scope of this article and a prospective buyer is advised to read as much information on this topic as possible. Before you actually proceed with a purchase you should seekrepparttar 106014 advice and guidance of competent professionals.

Next, you’ll need to start thinking about how you’ll pay for this business. This also becomes an integral part ofrepparttar 106015 negotiation process to arrive at a selling price. There are actually many sources of financing available torepparttar 106016 purchaser of a business and frequentlyrepparttar 106017 buyer will use more than one of these sources:

Buyer's Personal Capital Business Seller Financing U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Commercial Bank Loan

In almost all sales of small businesses, there is some amount of seller financing. This amount can range from 50% to 75% ofrepparttar 106018 total purchase price. In most situations, a seller wants to receive as much money up-front as they can, while a buyer will want to pay out as little as possible.

Once you’ve completed negotiatingrepparttar 106019 selling price forrepparttar 106020 business,repparttar 106021 next step is to finalizerepparttar 106022 sale, take possession ofrepparttar 106023 business, and begin operations. Closingrepparttar 106024 deal isrepparttar 106025 hardest to accomplish, but usuallyrepparttar 106026 shortest part of buying a business. After all,repparttar 106027 valuations, due diligence, and negotiations are complete and now it’s a matter of getting everything into writing.

The best situation for all parties is to follow an orderly process that will move things along in a business-like manner. The major elements ofrepparttar 106028 purchase and sale process are:

Binder and Earnest Money Agreement Purchase and Sale Agreement Closing (at which actual title and ownership is conveyed)

The Closing date and place are set to everyone’s convenience and all ofrepparttar 106029 pre-closing tasks are assigned torepparttar 106030 various parties for completion. Atrepparttar 106031 Closing,repparttar 106032 actual legal instruments of transfer are signed, money and/or promissory notes are exchanged, andrepparttar 106033 buyer becomesrepparttar 106034 new owner ofrepparttar 106035 business.

Well, that’s a snapshot of what it takes to buy an existing business. As involved as it may seem, it’s far less trouble than starting a new business, faster, and certainly less risky. If you have an entrepreneurial mind-set and would like to consider getting into business for yourself, even if it’s only a home-based business, I strongly urge you to consider buying an existing profitable business. There’s tens of thousands of them out there right now just looking for a new owner.

More articles like this can be found at:

Mr. Russell L. Brown has been a business broker and consultant for over 25 years and has been directly or indirectly involved in all aspects of the buying, selling, brokering, and valuing of hundreds of existing companies. He is widely sought as an expert consultant and lecturer on the topic of buying, selling, and valuing businesses. More information about Mr. Brown and the books and software he has authored may be found at

Blog Your Business

Written by Angela Booth

Continued from page 1

If you don't have a site, your blog's a place to put your online CV, portfolio and client list. You can, and should, use your blog to express your personality and expertise.

If you have a Web site, your blog page builds loyalty, because if you provide interesting content, your visitors will return to your site. And because it's a Web page, your blog will appear on search engines, attracting new clients.

Google has been treating blogs differently from other Web pages for a couple of years. Whereas it takes a standard Web page/ site a month to be indexed by Google, blogs are indexed daily. This means that your blog is mega-cheap advertising. You can post something on your blog and have it indexed by Google within a day.

Will creating a blog help your business? As I suggested inrepparttar article: "Get Googled And Build Credibility", because is so popular and indexes so comprehensively, if you focus some of your marketing and promotion time on getting your name out onrepparttar 106013 Web, you're building your credibility, both online and offline.

(You can readrepparttar 106014 complete article inrepparttar 106015 newsletter archives at:

--clickrepparttar 106016 Archive button onrepparttar 106017 Newsletter page.)

So go ahead, blog your business!

=> Blog resources <=

Blogger -create your own free blog(s) Blogger provides a template for your blog, and makes adding to your blog as easy as writing an email message. The "Post" and "Publish" buttons onrepparttar 106018 interface update your blog. --- recently updated blogs:

w.bloggar --- clever and useful little freebie to write and format your blog posts offline, then automatically post them when you go online.

Angela Booth's Digital-e Blog:

***Resource box: if using, please include***

Veteran multi-published author and copywriter Angela Booth crafts words for your business --- words to sell, educate or persuade. E-books and e-courses on Web site. FREE ezines for writers and small biz:

Writer, journalist and author Angela Booth has been writing for print and online venues for over 25 years. She also writes copy for businesses.

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