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Learn how to optimize and promote your site for free.
1. can give you lots of help, and freebies for your new site.
2. If you would like to find more freebies. - lots of free info
The internet is a wonderful resource, but
fact is that you need to generate a lot of traffic to make any significant amount of sales. One way to increase exposure is to take advantage of free links, and link exchanging on sites that are relevant to yours. Most of these sites are undoubtedly larger than yours, (especially if you are beginning), and generate traffic. At least your work will be seen by a larger audience. Your site will also start to gain some recognition with
search engines. If you choose your sites wisely,
type of people who will be seeing your work will be your target audience. Those who are most interested in your work! A great way to link exchange is by creating articles, and linking inside a relevant article. This gives people a lot of extra knowledge and information relevant to their interests, and
search engines are more friendly to these type of links.
Another good way to get some increased exposure is to belong and post your work in some online galleries. There are many free ones that allow you to post 4 or 5 photos of your art work. Here are some galleries to get you started:
1. has a free gallery for jewelry makers 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
So, try these out, there is nothing to lose, everything to gain:) Start your home business today!

Cianna is the owner of Glass Affinity Handmade Glass Beads. She has found a lot of passion in her life working with glass! Another passion is writing. Being a stay at home mom,has had more time to pursue it! More info: