Continued from page 1
8. What this means is don't be shy! Accept assistance when offered and solicit involvement, help and ideas from those you believe will be an asset.
9.Add your personal touches. For example; if you have children you may consider making them an important part of your wedding.
10. Pick a few aspects of your wedding and make them personalized. A personal touch makes a wedding meaningful to
bridal couple, their attendants, family and all invited guests.
In summary, your wedding is a serious moment for declaring your love and commitment to each other. Make your wedding truly a one-of-a-kind event. Fill it with cherished moments and keepsakes. Whether you choose a favorite theme, a special setting or an intimate gathering of friends and loved ones, enjoy
journey. Perhaps,
memories and keepsakes may stay with you forever. Treasure them! And may you have a Happy, Happy day!
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