Get Your Fundraisers Going NOW! Start Earning Immediately!

Written by Paulina Roe

Continued from page 1

Now you need to pick your fundraiser product - do you wantrepparttar same product that every school sells atrepparttar 112754 same time? The wrapping paper that is sold by thousands of kids in your area? Or do you want to try a fresh approach and offer people something different? Many schools and organizations are having great successes with long distance and cell phone products - which offer savings torepparttar 112755 buyer, and brings in residual income torepparttar 112756 group. This type of program can end up on auto-pilot, per se, because as customers build up, so dorepparttar 112757 funds coming in. Monthly income programs with automatic payment option can be very lucrative. People are more willing to make a service switch if they are approached by a fundraiser, rather than a telemarketer or stranger. Phone services are products with a daily need - people always need this, so it's easier to sell. There are shopping programs in which people have total flexibility to choose their products, and can shop there again and again afterrepparttar 112758 fundraiser period is over. This is one that is set up forrepparttar 112759 Internet - so they will have access at all times torepparttar 112760 shopping. Boy Scout troops and other organizations are having great response to these. Think ofrepparttar 112761 possibilities, and get started, at least with your strategy. For more information and programs to look at, go to

P Roe writes a weekly resource newsletter called "Funding Solutions" in which many types of funding situations are discussed. From fundraisers to loans to investment options, all are covered here. For a free subscription, Or visit the website at

A Dream Retirement Or A Rude-Awakening To Financial Reality?

Written by Noel Peebles

Continued from page 1
will providerepparttar bare essentials and allow you to live frugally. =====> Know your true wealth at any given time in your life. You might unexpectedly be forced to retire or stop working (trading your hours for money). The decision is yours! If you want to keep your freedom, then be prepared to help yourself. What’s more, retirement might happen sooner than you had planned. You have to actively take part in your destiny without relying on banks, employers orrepparttar 112753 government. If you have a job or run your own business - great! However, start to think differently. Find ways to build a growing income without always having to trade your hours for money. That isrepparttar 112754 key! When you trade hours for money you are earning a living to survive. The moment you stop, or can no longer earn a living, will berepparttar 112755 time of reckoning. You'll suddenly discoverrepparttar 112756 limits of your true wealth. § Will you be able to do all those things you always dreamed of doing? § How long will your capital last? § How financially prepared will you be for an unexpected disaster? § How reliant will you be onrepparttar 112757 government, a superannuation fund, or your family? § What will be your level of comfort in retirement? § What changes will you need to make to cope with your new financial circumstances? Most of us live for today and hope that tomorrow will take care of itself. Make no mistake; these tough questions will need answering sooner or later. To ensure those golden years are truly golden - better sooner than later!

Noel Peebles. Market Leaders Limited.

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