Get Some Discipline

Written by Elaine Currie, BA(Hons)

Continued from page 1

The work has to be done one way or another, so you might as well do it in a regular, orderly manner. You will find out that it is actually easier to do things this way. There will be nobody to stand over you and demand that you get things done and follow rules. It is up to you to make plans and stick to them; make your own rules and use them to help yourself. Keeprepparttar daily tasks up to date and there will be plenty of time for you and Discipline to share a beer and watch some TV.

We all have tasks to perform which we like less than other jobs and it is tempting to put off doing these things. The result of that, however, is that these tasks pile up and one day we find we have to face a mountain of nasty jobs and get through them before we can go on to something we like better. It is on days like this that we regret turning our back on Discipline and, ifrepparttar 116512 nasty jobs are bad enough, we promise ourselves that we will be reformed characters in future and never again will we let things slide.

When we finally finishrepparttar 116513 nasty jobs and turn our minds to more pleasant things, it does not take long for our resolution to waver; we forget our faithful friend, Discipline, and start to slouch again, tucking those nasty jobs away for later while we hang out with those no-good characters Slovenliness and Procrastination. Before we know it, we are back facingrepparttar 116514 same mountain.

Never forget that Discipline is your true friend. He will forgive you if you forget to invite him around for a while and he will help you sort out any mess you made in his absence. No fair weather friend he: no matter how often you shun him or just plain forget him, Discipline will always be there for you, ready to help you make a fresh start.

This is one of a series of articles published by repparttar 116515 author, Elaine Currie, BA(Hons) at http://www.Hunting Subscribe to Online Profit Course newsletter by 100’s of free tips and advice on working from home. You may republish this article only in its entirety and with all hyperlinks intact.

Elaine Currie, BA (Hons), is a writer and internet marketer. She came to the internet after a 25 year career at a London law firm, seeking a new career path and discovered the concept of the "pluginprofitsite" (details can be seen at

7 Tips to Setup your Home Business Budget

Written by Alex Timaios

Continued from page 1

Example: you are running a Campaign with PPC Search Engines to promote your business. You pay 0.05$ per click and achieve 300 clicks a month. Your corresponding recurring costs of 15$ a month are already considered in your budget. Your conversion rate may be 1%, so you expect three sales per month. If you get 8$ per sale, your monthly earnings are 24$ a month. This means your profitability is 25% (24$-15$) / 15$. For every advertising dollar you get 1.25$ sales.

The total profitability of your business will be lower, since you need to considerrepparttar total cost and not onlyrepparttar 116511 PPC marketing cost.

The problem may consist that atrepparttar 116512 beginning you will not knowrepparttar 116513 conversion rate of your campaign, so you will need to work with estimations. Once you haverepparttar 116514 real numbers, review your estimations based on that numbers. Your Budget will get more and more accurate,repparttar 116515 more data you can provide.

5) Now you can build your Budget based on Costs and estimated earnings month by month.

You may decide to ?reinvest? part of your earnings and increase your marketing spending month by month.

It is time now to put all data into your Calculation Sheet. Start building columns, one column per period (week or month). Per each period, reserve two columns, one for your budget and one for your ?actuals? (your real numbers).

Divide your rows in ?Earnings? and ?Costs?, subdivide them in several rows for your earnings (inrepparttar 116516 case you are working with multiple programs, reserve one row per program) and one row per each cost element identified inrepparttar 116517 steps 1-2.

Reserve a Row for a sum of all your cost elements (per period) and a corresponding row forrepparttar 116518 sum of all your earnings (per period). Atrepparttar 116519 end, add one Row withrepparttar 116520 difference of your earnings minus your costs.

Now you are inrepparttar 116521 position to see period by period, what isrepparttar 116522 ?net result? of your business. You will see immediately if you are earning or losing money.

As already mentioned, it is absolutely normal that in your first months (or years?) you will have more costs then earnings. This isrepparttar 116523 case for every business. However you should be now inrepparttar 116524 position to ?predict? when your ?break-even? point will be reached (total earnings = total costs, per period). You may decide to invest more in marketing activities if they seem to be profitable, or save costs by reducing your recurring expenses.

6) Review your budget on a regular basis. The more data you have,repparttar 116525 more accurate your budget will get. Calculate period by period your conversion rate and monitorrepparttar 116526 results of your marketing activities. Putrepparttar 116527 results back to your budget and create new Budget ?versions? for that purpose.

7) Now run your business! Your Budget is now a powerful instrument to give you a good financial basis if you are on track or not. Some people haverepparttar 116528 tendency to oversee spending and overestimate earnings. If you feed your budget with real data, it will give you an instant view ofrepparttar 116529 results of your entrepreneurship! Most ofrepparttar 116530 CEO´s ofrepparttar 116531 world are doing exactly that. Of course financial aspects are important, but can not replace your Vision and Strategic thinking. But it can ?bring you back torepparttar 116532 earth?, if your strategy and vision is too ambitious, but can not be financed.

Alex Timaios is an international Marketer, specialized in Home Business and Residual Income generation. He runs the websites and

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