Get Real-time Adsense Channel Stats And Find Out Which Ads Are Being Clicked

Written by Subhendu Sen

Continued from page 1

Currently Google does not provide this data. But you can still get it from a very nice and detailed free web stat service, Add Free Stats.

Add Free Stats provides a very detailed web stats which satisfies most webmasters. You may open a free account at :, getrepparttar code and paste it atrepparttar 102143 bottom of each of your pages.

Make sure that in 'Your Account' section you mark 'Yes' for 'Exit link tracking'.

Now check your stats at Add Free Stats, and you will find a "A" icon besiderepparttar 102144 visitors' ip. That means that visitor has clicked on an Adsense code. Place your mouse overrepparttar 102145 icon, and you can see which ad has been clicked.

You can also generate a separate report of pages that have generated Adsense click. Select 'Exit Links/Adsense' fromrepparttar 102146 drop down menu marked as 'Pages'. Here you get a folder icon named Adsense,repparttar 102147 number of Adsense clicks etc. Click on repparttar 102148 Adsense folder icon and you getrepparttar 102149 number of Adsense clicks on each page and which ads are clicked on that page. Click onrepparttar 102150 'hour glass' icon and you getrepparttar 102151 CTR, PV too for each page.

I am no way connected to Add Free Stats. I am just a happy user. Any webmaster working seriously towards Adsense earning, must have this tool.

Subhendu Sen is the owner and webmaster of A Low-Cost Web Host : http://www.IndHosts.Net/hosting.html and is in the business of web hosting since 1998. He also owns other sites of interest : — An Article Directory and — A Free Email Address Directory

Make Your Own Internet Money Machine

Written by shuth

Continued from page 1

You can compound your earnings to make more money. This means if you invested $100repparttar first month then you will make $30. BUT, sense you compounded your earnings, this $30 is added on to your $100 investment giving you a $130 investment forrepparttar 102142 next month. The next month you will make $40 and this will be added torepparttar 102143 $130 and give you $170. Byrepparttar 102144 12th month you should have $1,060 invested.

What's all out investing?

About 30 percent of people on Studio Traffic do all out investing. It is investing $10,000 into one account and getting $36,500 atrepparttar 102145 end ofrepparttar 102146 year. One person has about 8 accounts with $10,000 invested in it, and makes about $300,000 yearly.

The rules are: The maximum you can invest is $10,000. You are allowed multiple accounts, only if you used different email addresses to sign up.

Here are some more common questions

How doesrepparttar 102147 site make money and how do I know they will pay me?

They are likerepparttar 102148 Google of autosurf. They get paid lots of money by advertising. Also they have about 6 accountants who managerepparttar 102149 funds. When people upgrade, that pays for people who withdraw money.. So by setting a cap on how many people can upgrade and how many people can withdraw a month, they can ensure that you will get paid.

The site has a few sister sites:

StudioPay: (It's a PayPal type of site, most members use this site to addrepparttar 102150 money they made into a bank account.)

Studiowalker: Sellsrepparttar 102151 famous "online business in a box."

Allrepparttar 102152 commissions from these sites are put in an emergency pool which will be used to pay members if anything bad happens. So far this pool has enough to pay all its members for 7 months! So ifrepparttar 102153 Internet shut down for 7 months, everyone would still get paid!

Can I have some proof?

Here is their proof forum.

Okay I am convinced, how do I sign up?

Sign Up Using This Link:

I am still not convinced, can you further proverepparttar 102154 system?

Sure can! Sign up for yourself, you will get a free $10. Use this to autosurf and you will get 1% daily.


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