Get Out and Play: Top 7 Outdoor Exercises

Written by Aaron M. Potts

Continued from page 1

Variations including Standing Squats, One-Leg Squats, Plie Squats, Wide-Stance Squats, and Overhead Squats. Think you can't get enough stimulus out of Squats? Try doing 50 perfectly formed repetitions and see how tired your legs are!


Brutal isrepparttar best word to describe this exercise when done properly! Using nothing more than a picnic bench, a piece of playground equipment, or even just a decent size rock, you simply step up onto your elevated surface, step down, and then repeat onrepparttar 141085 other side alternating back and forth.

By keeping your back straight and your head uprepparttar 141086 entire time, you will maximize recruitment of all of your leg muscles, and you will get an incredible cardiovascular workout as well. Go for perfect form and you will quickly seerepparttar 141087 benefit of this great exercise.


The outdoor version of Chin Ups and Pull ups can be done using anything from a low-hanging tree branch to any number of different pieces of playground equipment.

When done properly, Chin Ups and Pull Ups will humble most people, even avid exercisers. Bring your body up completely until your chin is at or above your hands, and lower back torepparttar 141088 start under control. Repeat for as many as you can do!


Don't try this one until you can run a good 100-yard dash on level ground! This exercise is just what it sounds like - running uphill. Run up a decent size hill as fast as you can, walk back torepparttar 141089 bottom, and repeat. Bring oxygen, but leave your pride at home, or elserepparttar 141090 hill will take it from you!


This exercise is so simple, yet about as hard as it gets. Simply squat down until your thighs are at or below parallel torepparttar 141091 ground, stay in that position, and start walking. Go about 10 steps and then walk backwards to your starting point. Repeat as many times as necessary (which won't be many) to reach total exhaustion!

As you can see, doing outdoor exercises has all ofrepparttar 141092 benefits listed above including one benefit that wasn't listed - they are hard! If you are up torepparttar 141093 challenge and sick ofrepparttar 141094 gym, give your body and your mind an Earth-moment and get outside and play!

Aaron Potts is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Success Coach whose customers include consumers as well as other fitness professionals. Sign up for his free Fitness Journal at or visit his coaching site at

Debunking Common Exercise Myths, Part 1

Written by Chad Anderson, CSCS

Continued from page 1

An overlooked method of burning fat is weight training. Many people understand that by adding muscle mass you burn more calories aroundrepparttar clock, which may result in more fat loss. However, what most people fail to realize is that a weight training routine can be manipulated to achieve a specific hormonal response that is conducive to fat loss. In other words, you will get a different hormonal response from doing high repetitions as opposed to doing low repetitions. The key then is to manipulate training variables in such a way that it will promote fat loss. I will elaborate further on this topic in a future article.

Debunking Common Exercise Myths, Part 2...coming soon!

Chad Anderson, CSCS operates a personal training, fitness programming, and consulting business while also holding a full-time position as a senior personal trainer at a commercial health club. He holds a BS degree in exercise science with a minor in nutrition and is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA. You can visit his website at

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