Get Organised for Christmas... NOw!

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

If you're going on holiday, have you booked it? When will you service your car? If you want to have repairs or renovations at home completed by Christmas, have you planned to get them done? What do you need to do to achieve your personal goals for this year? Who will you buy gifts for this year? When will you shop for those gifts? What else do you need to do to ensure you are as prepared as possible? Plan Everything In Your Diary Set timeframes for all your actions and schedule everything into your diary. This is vital, otherwise you'll end up keeping yourself busy and before you know it all your good intentions will have fallen byrepparttar wayside and Christmas will be only a few days away.

The Final Word Start preparing forrepparttar 103714 end of year now so you will be able to enjoy this special time instead of stressing yourself out getting everything done right up torepparttar 103715 last minute.

Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.

It's The Little Things That Count

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

The years are made of minutes. Much of life is made of memories, warm and happy memories of small kindnesses and consideration, of courtesy, of constancy, consistency; a mother's attentive care, a father's kindliness, a child's thankfulness; thoughtfulness each day, not grand and rare and obvious outward acts - not all at once, but small and constant ways as each occasion comes.

If we want happiness with loved ones, and peace, and quiet conscience, we need to learnrepparttar little lessons,repparttar 103713 small services,repparttar 103714 continuing kindnesses,repparttar 103715 habitual acts of honesty,repparttar 103716 constancy of cleanliness - not just one big washing.

"We don't stumble over mountains." We stumble over small things mostly. (Excerpt taken from Noel Whittaker's Newsletter

The Final Word Allocate time each day to handle some ofrepparttar 103717 little things in your life. As mentioned in previous newsletters, put yourself in your diary first. Plan time to action your goals...step by step, day by day. As Neil Armstrong,repparttar 103718 first man to walk onrepparttar 103719 moon said "One small step for man, one great leap for mankind".

Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.

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