Get More Clients Now!

Written by Kimberly Stevens

Continued from page 1

Once you know how you want to position your company inrepparttar marketplace and you have updated all of your materials,repparttar 117584 only thing left to do is present yourself torepparttar 117585 people who want what you have to sell. This may be a very different group of people thanrepparttar 117586 ones you've spentrepparttar 117587 last year with. Many of us cut our marketing teeth atrepparttar 117588 local chamber of commerce, but they can be full of small, one-person businesses that may not haverepparttar 117589 need forrepparttar 117590 services you want to provide.

The best thing to do is to identify what types of companies are going to be attracted to what you are providing. Are they of a certain size, a certain geographic location, a certain industry? Once you've identifiedrepparttar 117591 parameters, it's time to determine how you are going to reach them. What associations do they belong to? Can you write articles for that association's newsletter? What networking groups do they attend? Can you join? Do they usually find their vendors from advertisements, referrals, or direct mail? Who else already provides services to them that could potentially provide you an opening intorepparttar 117592 companies in exchange for a finder's fee or reciprocity (these are called Centers of Influence)? Develop contacts with marketing companies who could potentially bring you in as a subcontractor for their clients' marketing campaigns. Although, they will generally take a cut or mark up your services, perhaps, you'd enjoy focusing on building these relationships so inrepparttar 117593 future you could focus just onrepparttar 117594 graphic design aspect of your business, notrepparttar 117595 client-building part.

This may seem like you are starting from ground zero as you pull away from those groups that you've been networking with duringrepparttar 117596 past year and begin again as a new member in new groups, but soon you will be reapingrepparttar 117597 rewards of a thriving business working with people you like and doing what you want to do. What could be better?

Once you've established yourself in these new communities, you can't continue to spend half of your week trolling for new clients or you'll cap your income in relatively short order. Your next line of attack should be meeting some Centers of Influence. Read more about how to do this at:

Download a free copy of *50 Ways to Win New Clients* at:

Kimberly Stevens is a Business Coach who works with entrepreneurs to create profitable & results-oriented businesses. She developed the FastTrack MBO (Mastering Business Ownership) Program as a series of ebooks and teleseminars to help business owners slash their learning curve in half while doubling their rate of success. Experience the MBO Program for free by visiting

If It Were Easy

Written by Julann L Pontician

Continued from page 1

However unpleasant this may seem it is normal. I am four years into my business venture and almost $100,000 in debt between business and personal expenses. I have sacrificed my good credit inrepparttar name of my business. This year, I am finally making a steady salary of about $1,000 a month (which includes my second job). In any given week, I am still putting off creditors and trying to find ways to borrow from one account to pay off another.

Now back torepparttar 117583 H. Remember that part I mentioned about Happiness? I do believe in it. In fact, I believe in it more now than I did when I first started. I am in debt up to my neck but I have also learned more in four years of running my own business than I EVER learned in school. If I stand at top ofrepparttar 117584 mountain of my business I can see how far I have come. I allow myself moments of pride in my own accomplishments. I also allow myself to make mistakes and more importantly to forgive myself (and others) for them. A trait that is VERY necessary. Every day, I learn through my successes and mistakes how to run my business better and make better decisions. Furthermore, by nature of being an entrepreneur, I have been givenrepparttar 117585 opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs. These people arerepparttar 117586 most incredible, gutsy and talented people I have ever hadrepparttar 117587 pleasure of meeting. I am proud to be a part of this team!

Will my current business succeed inrepparttar 117588 long run? I have no guarantees. I believe it will because I have learned to believe in myself. However, if it doesn’t succeed I will pick myself up, dust off my clothes and get right back on that entrepreneurial horse again!

Julann L. Pontician is vice president and co-owner of Child Care Choices, Inc. CCC is a childcare referral business helping parents find quality childcare options. CCC is also a franchisor helping other entrepreneurs start their own businesses. The company current has 16 locations through out the U.S.

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