Get MAD!

Written by Bob Davies

Continued from page 1

You might be thinking, well, I did it once; I’ll do it again (attitude!). Or you might be thinking that you have a standard, that this is what you expect for yourself (more attitude!)

It is absolutely true, that you attitude determinesrepparttar results in your life. Norman Vincent Peale was famous for saying, "You are your most dominant thought!"

I remember thinking how can that be true. If that was true, when I was 16, why wasn’t I a woman? I have always hadrepparttar 126357 point of view, don’t give me philosophy. I’m looking for scientific proof.

Here isrepparttar 126358 science that explainsrepparttar 126359 concept of manifestation; your most dominating thoughts become reality.

Every thought that we have is an electrical impulse that creates repparttar 126360 release of chemicals. These chemicals are real and can be measured. Our thoughts are real and can be measured. These chemicals have a charge and we do attract to ourselves what our dominating thoughts are.

This can be a blessing or a curse. For me, for most of my life, it was a curse. My most dominating thought was poverty!

I amrepparttar 126361 only person in my family to ever graduate high school. I lived in a single parent household. My mother never graduated. My older brother got involved in drugs and never graduated. My younger sister also was involved in drugs and never graduated. I got lucky. I got involved with sports. I had a coach who held me accountable to setting goals and taking actions.

Yes, your attitude dictatesrepparttar 126362 quality ofrepparttar 126363 results in your life. This is very good news. What this means is that if we can figure out whatrepparttar 126364 attitudes are ofrepparttar 126365 elite performers, then we can take on those attitudes and we too, will enjoy elite performance. I only have one more question. Can we change our attitudes? The answer is yes and I’m living proof of it!

At one point in time I was forty pounds overweight, unable to maintain a relationship, and not making much money. Not a pretty sight! Much to my credit however, I didn’t blame others. I took responsibility for my life. I needed help. I needed a mentor, a guide, someone who could steer me inrepparttar 126366 right direction.

I found what I needed through scientific research. That’s right, scientific research. The first thing I needed to do to change my life was to get mad. MAD stands for Make A Decision! Sometimes it takes a significant event in our lives for us to finally make a decision to change. Imagine you are in a car accident and no one is wearing seat belts. Your passenger dies. That is a significant event that will berepparttar 126367 catalyst for you to make a decision that for repparttar 126368 rest of your life everyone will always wear a seat belt in your car.

This reminds me of an old story. A man walks into a bar with his pet dog. The dog lies down inrepparttar 126369 corner andrepparttar 126370 man orders a lite beer (96 calories). After a few minutesrepparttar 126371 dog starts wailing in pain. The bar tender says,

There’s something wrong with your dog.

Together they walk over torepparttar 126372 dog andrepparttar 126373 bar tender says,

Look, your dog is laying on a board that has a nail sticking up from it. Why doesn’t he get up and move?

The dog owners reply, "I guess he isn’t in enough pain to come up withrepparttar 126374 energy to get up and move."

This leads torepparttar 126375 question, where are you not in enough pain to take action? The next question is what price do you pay because of it?

Are you ready for really good news? I am about to unlockrepparttar 126376 secret ofrepparttar 126377 elite performance attitude. All you need to do is duplicate this attitude in your life and you will have elite performance. This means that you will perform torepparttar 126378 level you aspire to.

Here isrepparttar 126379 elite performance attitude:

I realize that I have limitations and that I can’t do it by myself. I am far better off as a part of a team and I must compensate for my limitations. I realize that I will resist doing activities that I don’t feel comfortable doing, and that I will resist, fear and avoid change.

I must have an intervention. I must compensate for my human resistances.

How dorepparttar 126380 elite performers compensate? They do this by presetting outcomes, in advance, with reinforcement and support. By Sunday evening, they have planned their time and predicted activities forrepparttar 126381 next seven days. Then they designaterepparttar 126382 difference between a promise and a goal. They make a list ofrepparttar 126383 specific activities that they commit to do overrepparttar 126384 following seven days, and then they ask someone else to hold them accountable to take those actions. They place some type of a consequence on themselves if they don’t takerepparttar 126385 actions that they promised they would. This can be a fine,repparttar 126386 withholding of a reward, or a number of other accountability factors.

Try this this week. Commit one specific action to another person and put a fine on it if you don’t completerepparttar 126387 activity. You will be usingrepparttar 126388 elite performance formula! Have a great week.

Bob Davies - speaker, author, trainer and coach. Bob is the author of two books and several audio and video cassette programs. He holds the highest certification of professional business coaches, Master Certified Coach. 866-262-3284

How Peeling An Orange Could Make You A Fortune

Written by Jeff McCall

Continued from page 1

So come on Jeff, tell us how we can use this phenomenon to make ourselves a fortune?

Choose a particular skill or area where you wish to improve, or simply choose one of your goals. You do have goals don't you? Spend at least 5 minutes everyday relaxing in a quiet place, visualising yourself completing your task or goal. That's all it takes, but you must do it regularly.

One ofrepparttar reasons why this technique is so successful, is that you'll normally always imagine yourself being successful in whatever you choose to think about. I mean, why would you want to imagine yourself failing or doing something badly? Doing things correctly time after time is a necessity in any learning process, and is a tremendous confidence builder.

When you come to perform your chosen task in reality, your subconscious mind will be expecting you to perform it perfectly, as you have many times before in your imagination. You'll automatically haverepparttar 126356 confidence of an expert.

An added bonus is that while your imagining your new found successes, you'll also be building a strong positive mental attitude. It's an inescapable fact that you become what you think about. So, if you think you're going to fail allrepparttar 126357 time, then as sure as eggs are eggs you will.

You may think this idea sounds totally foolish, but don't dismiss it out of hand. With a little creative thought you can employ this technique to improve your performance in many business skills and help you achieve your goals. You do have goals don't you?

I'm not suggesting that visualisation can replace traditional practice and experience. However, when used in conjunction with it, you can rapidly accelerate your progress and success. I've used this technique myself and am convinced it makes a difference. It could seriously make you a fortune. Go on, have some fun and give it a try!

Jeff McCall is the librarian at The Success Library, a vast collection of ebooks, articles and resources to help you achieve online success. Get your library card at: Subscribe to the library's free newsletter Success Lines. Free course for subscribing & free ebook with every issue:

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