Get Fit For Your Wedding Day

Written by Lynn Bode

Continued from page 1

5. Skipping Meals It’s not uncommon to get caught up in your planning and then realize at 9 p.m. (as your head begins to ache) that you haven’t eaten a thing all day. While it may not be an uncommon scenario, it is unavoidable. Not only is skipping meals unhealthy, it can lead to binge eating. That often means eating very fattening foods and/or overeating all at once. To avoid this, try packing light snacks to keep on hand throughoutrepparttar day. Good examples include carrot sticks, cheese strings, peanut butter on crackers, etc.

Getting in shape doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t require a lot of time. If you are trying to lose weight or firm up before your wedding, below are some sample plans to help you get started. Keep in mind thatrepparttar 130941 most important thing is for a bride to feel good about herself. And no matter what size or shape, all brides are beautiful on their wedding day!

Sample Exercise FITscription:

20-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (3-5 time per week)

Example: 2-5 minutes of brisk walking, 2-5 minutes of jumping jacks (repeat for 20-30 minutes)

20-30 minutes of strength training (2-3 times per week)

Example: Dumbbell exercises for bothrepparttar 130942 upper and lower body (like bicep curls, tricep dips, squats, etc.)

Sample Meal Plan:

Eat 5-7 small meals per day (meals should include protein, grains, vegetables, etc. to meetrepparttar 130943 food pyramid daily requirements)

Example: Small, grilled, skinless chicken breast

Slice of whole wheat bread Slice of cheese

Mixed Vegetables

Glass of Water (2 or 3 would be even better)

Written by Lynn Bode, founder of Workouts For You provides affordable online exercise programs to help even the busiest of brides lose weight, tone-up, sculpt muscles and more via the Internet. Let our certified trainer help you get your dream-body in time for the day you've always dreamed about. Visit: for a free sample workout.

Sun Rays: Harmful or Beneficial?

Written by Natalie Katsman

Continued from page 1

UV exposure is a major factor of premature skin aging. Sun rays are able to penetrate deep intorepparttar skin, dehydrate it and damage collagen tissues. Free radical damage may not stop there. Free radicals,repparttar 130939 unstable molecules that appear during sun exposure, can damage healthy cells and lead to cancer.

Skin has a wonderful ability to repair itself and fight offrepparttar 130940 damage, but it needs proper nutrition to be able to do it effectively.

To help your skin repair itself more successfully, use products that contain antioxidans able to haltrepparttar 130941 destructive activity of free radicals.

Vitamin C, when applied topically, not only neutralizes free radicals, it boosts skin's ability to repair itself afterrepparttar 130942 sun damage (American Academy of Dermatology, 2002 meeting). It is also shown to reducerepparttar 130943 appearance of wrinkles and help to maintain an even skin tone.

Coenzyme Q10 is another powerful antioxidant. It is found in beef, fish, grains, eggs, beans, and spinach. Human body makes its own CoQ10, butrepparttar 130944 production declines with age. Coenzyme Q10 has exceptional antioxidant properties. Studies show that it can effectively counteract free radical damage and provide significant protection against UVA-induced depletion of cell membrane. In other words, it will prevent damage to collagen and elastin production and help you avoid wrinkles.

Omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid) is essential for healthy looking skin. Some studies suggest that it may inhibit cancer. Fish oil and many plant oils (canola, flaxseed, hemp, soybean) are rich in this acid. In cosmetics it is present either as a constituent of another ingredient (for example: Emu oil) or by itself.

Vitamins E helps to prevent skin dryness and protects against environmental factors and free radical damage. It is used in creams and lotions that relieve skin redness after sun exposure.

So stock up with skin armoring lotions, enjoy your summer and keep your skin safe and beautiful. And if you would like to have a bronze tan all over, get one in a bottle.

Natalie Katsman is a co-founder of, where you can find fine quality aloe vera products for beauty and well-being and subscribe to HealthySkin Newsletter filled with beauty tips, recipes and information on herbal healing, skin care and cosmetic chemistry.

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