Get Clients to Choose You Again and Again

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

4. Model your Web pages After a Successful Coach's Pages.

For instance, her pages made 30Xrepparttar original sales in just seven months. Why? Because her headline with these results seduced her Web visitor to go torepparttar 129404 sales message aboutrepparttar 129405 eBook she was selling.

The original first month's profits--$75. Atrepparttar 129406 end of seven months, they added up to $2250. Amazing to some to grasp, but totally possible for others. And, those numbers kept climbingrepparttar 129407 next year to over $3000 a month. What did she do to get those results?

5. Visit other Web sites and observe.

Your site shouldn't just be a virtual brochure with your qualifications and offerings. Your home page should have only "Passion Headlines" that pull sales, one outstanding testimonial, and a few questions from your reader's point of view that leads them via a link to your service information and bio.

Put just a few words about you onrepparttar 129408 home page. People don't care about you; they want solutions for their challenges.

6. Realizerepparttar 129409 power ofrepparttar 129410 written word: 4 Writing Exercises

If your Web site has been up more than a few months, and you haven't gotten any business, consider reconstructing it so it pulls sales. Here are four writing exercises your must do before you hire anyone.

1. Know your specific audience, their needs and desires. This profile needs to include their problems, interests, values and how they like to receive a service.

2. Use a worksheet to preplan your Web site. You must include your purpose. Do you want to make money, gain credibility, share your unique message?

3. List at least 10 benefits your service provides. Discoverrepparttar 129411 five best benefits. Too many coaches and speakers don't know how to talk sales language for their services. They mistake features for benefits. Features don't sell, benefits do.

4. List 10 features too. These are features:

-you offer phone sessions forrepparttar 129412 convenience ofrepparttar 129413 client -you email back up support and information to help solve a particular problem - you take quick phone questions in between coaching sessions -you give a specific strategy session to accomplish a client's goal

5. Connect your five best benefits with your best features andrepparttar 129414 how you will accomplishrepparttar 129415 benefits. Includes: 5 Tips to, 7 Steps to, 9 Ways to.

Create a variety of headlines that have marketing pizzazz. They can be inrepparttar 129416 form of a question, a command, a shocking statement, but they are all full of specific benefits. "Quadruple your Online Income" is not enough. You must show how much time that takes.

Create a picture ofrepparttar 129417 outcomes your client will see, hear and feel. You must touch your potential client's soft spot--that nerve center that says Yes, I want that!

So, tap into your creative side, either with a friend, associate, or a coach who knows this uncharted territory--repparttar 129418 language of sales.

Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach Helps professionals manifest their book and web dreams eBook: _Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online_ Send an email to The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Ph. 619/466/0622

Write a Short Article to Promote Your Book Online

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

6. Give a brief background ofrepparttar problem or situation you will solve. One of my book coaching clients wrote a book, "The Cure for Multiple Sclerosis." She shares that over 2 million people worldwide with Multiple Sclerosis are diagnosed incurable, that doctors are pressured to use pharmaceuticals, and thatrepparttar 129403 health industry is not about getting people well, but about making money.

7. Sharerepparttar 129404 problems that result. In "The Cure for Multiple Sclerosis,"repparttar 129405 problem is that most people rely on western medicine which does not haverepparttar 129406 answers. Big money is not spent on alternative or complementary ways to prevent and cure chronic diseases, so people with problems get drugs that depleterepparttar 129407 immune system.

8. Giverepparttar 129408 solution. Your book offers solutions to problems. So must your article. Show your readers how to get excellent health, how they can write a book, make more money, or have better relationships.

9. Show them where to getrepparttar 129409 solution and how. The article, "How to Listen at Work," needs to suggest where to go or what to do next. You may name a quality book to read (maybe your book!). Mention a seminar or training, or recommend a coach. You may even mention a web site address or 800 number.

10. Place your article on as many high traffic Internet sites and Opt-in Ezines as you can. Just as feature articles in newspapers are seven times as powerful as advertising, so is your article.

People are looking for free information Online. That'srepparttar 129410 major reason they surf!

So, now that you know how to write a short article, put it to work for you to promote your book.

Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach Helps professionals manifest their book dreams eBook:_Write Your eBook or Other Short Book Fast! Send an email to The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Ph:619/466/0622

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