Get A Big Picture View Of God's Goodness and Mercy

Written by John Tyler

Continued from page 1

Isn't that what we all should aspire to?

After God performed this miracle, Peter announced torepparttar onlookers:

Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,repparttar 126799 God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus (Act 3: 12b-13).

The truth is, everything God does for us is part of a larger plan. God’s ultimate goal in everything is to exalt his son and touch others through us. Paul wrote torepparttar 126800 Corinthians that God "comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble withrepparttar 126801 comfort we ourselves have received from God" (2 Cor. 1:4)

Did he heal you of a broken heart? Be onrepparttar 126802 lookout forrepparttar 126803 broken heart he wants you to help heal.

Did he bring you through a painful sickness or a season of doubt? Keep an eye open forrepparttar 126804 sick and doubting around you.

Did he save you, wipe away your sins and set your feet on solid ground? You are literally surrounded with people to reach out to.

This week, I encourage each of us to examine how God’s touch in our life should touch others.

That is my desire today, and I hope it is yours. Let’s concentrate on letting others know about his goodness and mercy in our lives, and always giverepparttar 126805 credit where credit is due.

That isrepparttar 126806 only way this Christian life will appear appealing to those who haven’t met him yet. And, spreading his goodness and love around is why we are here.

John Tyler is a Houston-based writer and public relations professional who publishes an online column on Christian living. Be Transformed! Vist

God Already Has Your Ice Cream Cone

Written by John Tyler

Continued from page 1

At times, aren't we just like Jeremiah? How often has God placed his goodness before us, and staying focused and persevering becomes such a challenge we can't seerepparttar answered prayer that is literally right within our grasp?

Paul recognized that staying focused onrepparttar 126798 desired outcome would empower us to stay faithful torepparttar 126799 course. "Let us not grow weary in doing good," he wrote, "for atrepparttar 126800 proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" (Gal. 6:9).

We know thatrepparttar 126801 only way Jesus got throughrepparttar 126802 misery ofrepparttar 126803 cross was to focus onrepparttar 126804 end result. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that "forrepparttar 126805 joy set before him he enduredrepparttar 126806 cross."

Sometimes we just need to keep our eyes onrepparttar 126807 prize.

The answer to our prayer andrepparttar 126808 fulfillment of our deepest dreams and longings are all available to us, once we stay focused onrepparttar 126809 task at hand, get nourished and grow. Then, he promises to pour out his goodness in a manner that is greater than we can ask or imagine.

We have to finish our meat! Sometimes we may not feel hungry anymore. Sometimesrepparttar 126810 cares of life will distract us. Sometimesrepparttar 126811 lies ofrepparttar 126812 enemy will replacerepparttar 126813 promises God has provided us in his word.

The author of Hebrews wrote, "We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised" (Heb. 6:12).

Keep in mind, if we do our part and stay focused and obedient, his word cannot fail.

For Jeremiah that day, it was an ice cream cone. What arerepparttar 126814 desires of your heart today?

Lift up your hands and praiserepparttar 126815 Living God. He's placed them onrepparttar 126816 table before you.

John Tyler is a Houston-based writer and public relations professional who publishes an online column on Christian living. Be Transformed! Vist

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