Get 200 Bucks More From Your Regular Job

Written by Pete Casanova

Continued from page 1

Tax breaks for those of us in a home business are phenomanol. You can write off all your car expenses, equipment and even office expenses. If you find that you have a loss, that loss is subtracted fromrepparttar taxes you owe. You can claim a loss for 2 years beforerepparttar 117061 IRS gets upset. At that point you had better be making a profit.

As your business begins your first customers call for your help. If you do a good job they refer others. It does not matter if you are running a cleaning business or plumbingrepparttar 117062 word of good service gets around.

So, don't be afraid to step out and start a small home biz. With a 50 dollar ad you could be bringing home an extra couple hundred a week. You can involve your family. And who knows? You may just decide that working for yourself full time enriches your life and frees you from a job you do not care for.

About the Author:

Pete Casanova is Publisher of . He has a background in construction, electronics, mechanics and internet marketing. To find out how to make your internet service pay you visit Contact author by writing

Post Your Way to Success

Written by Trent Brownrigg

Continued from page 1

3) Restrict your time in forums by setting up some sort of schedule or time limit for visiting them. You can sometime lose track of time reading and responding to topics. Obviously you need some time for other business tasks so you don’t want to use it all up in forums. Trust me they can get very addicting so this is an important step.

4) Do not post just for your own benefit. It is important to offer useful advice and information to others. By offering valuable comments you will get people to notice you more thus increasingrepparttar chances that they will do business with you.

5) Take full advantage ofrepparttar 117060 signature paragraph that most forums let you set-up. This is where you do get to do a little advertising. Tell about yourself and/or your business. Provide a link to your website or product so people can get to it easily. Your link will also help with your search engine popularity and ranking.

6) Be respectful and polite to others onrepparttar 117061 discussion forums. Even if you don’t totally agree with someone it is best not to attack them. People will notice if you are rude and obnoxious. It is better for you to just keep your unnecessary comments to yourself.

I regularly visit quite a few discussion forums. I have found that they are fun to read and post in and can be very rewarding. Some are better than others but all can be beneficial when used properly. You just need to findrepparttar 117062 forums that fit what you are looking for. Become a “regular” there and you will be rewarded.

Here are some ofrepparttar 117063 best business forums that I visit frequently, in no particular order:

Open Forums (don’t require registration):

These websites have forums that require you to register before you post but it only takes a couple minutes and doesn’t cost anything:

I am sure that is good enough to get you started! The above list consists of many ofrepparttar 117064 most well-known business forums as well some lesser known ones. Pretty much all of them get good traffic and none of them allow spam or blatant advertising.

Now it is time for you to go and Post Your Way to Success!

Trent Brownrigg is a successful home business entrepreneur, webmaster, and author of work at home articles. Secure Your Financial Future at: Find great products & services for your home, business, and family here:

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