Gestational Diabetes

Written by Andrew Palmer

Continued from page 1

Treating gestational diabetes In most cases, gestational diabetes is managed by diet and exercise, and goes away afterrepparttar baby is born. But because gestational diabetes can hurt you and your baby, it is important to start treatment quickly. You should consult your doctor for special meal plans and scheduled physical activity.

There is no need to panic While gestational diabetes is a cause for concern,repparttar 138033 good news withrepparttar 138034 correct diet and exercise, you can keep your blood glucose levels under control, and give a healthy start for your baby.

Andrew Palmer maintains the website diabetesweb, an informational website about all aspects of diabetes.

Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy at Home

Written by Lesley Spencer

Continued from page 1

-- Followrepparttar two-bite rule. If there's something you absolutely must have, take two bites and be done! You'll get your fix and be proud of your will power to put it down!

-- No time for exercise? Make a goal to walk for 30 minutes at least three times a week. You'll find if you make it a priority, you can fit it in. Try going right after breakfast or after taking your kids to school. -- Need to be motivated to exercise? Find one or two workout partners to motivate one another. If you don't have anyone near by, find a virtual workout buddy onrepparttar 137985 Self-Care message boards. Share successes, motivate one another and just enjoy doing something for yourself! -- Keep a diary of what you eat for a few days. Calculate your intake and decide where you should cut back. (You can find nutritional charts onrepparttar 137986 Mom's Assistant section of

-- If you have cravings for something sweet, try eating something tart to curbrepparttar 137987 craving such as a pickle. If you crave crunchy salty snacks, try having an apple instead.

Takerepparttar 137988 leap. Commit to exercising a few days a week and before you know it,repparttar 137989 benefits will be their own motivator! You will feel better, look better and be better.

Lesley Spencer is founder and president of the, Inc. Network which includes:,,,,, and (coming soon!).

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